my "wish list"

After some days of testing, i’m here with my wish list for the future releases.

Obviously i don’t know which features are already scheduled or not.

  • matchmaking: obviously, a great balance in the two team is needed, but also i think is better if when the battle start, no player can be added (something like WoT). But for this point i wait next releases, because also i think that the opportunity of join an already started battle, is intended to simulate something like reinforcements. I’m right?

Maybe also a penalty for the player that quit the battle prematurely isn’t a bad idea.

The actual system is great because anyone can join the battle in very few seconds, without waiting other players, but also sometimes i see situation like 1 player (with lv I/II Ships) vs 2 or 3 players (with ships lv III or IV) and the rest of the two teams obviously composed by bot. I think this is caused because the system is “confused” by players that join the battle, look at the players list and quit if don’t like.

Ok, for now i also know that a good matchmaking is impossible because the low number of player, but i hope to see a good and balanced matchmaking in the future (and here, not like WoT, where MM is criticized by a lot of players)

  • A simple system to report incorrect players (like AFKers etc)

  • For new players: some kind of tutorials to understand the basis of ship controls, ships equipments etc, maybe some easy battle with npc/bot, to prevent new player that go on the battlefield without know what to do.

  • A little ping counter/indicator can be useful (also in the beta, to evaluate better if latency is ok)

  • At least for clans, the opportunity to do private battles only for members, or training session. This can be useful to test new members abilty, teach some tactics, and improve team gameplay

  • Control settings with the opportunity of change mouse sensibility, because with some mouse, the default setting is a little too sensible

  • complete description of the ships in the store, to see statistics, number and type of slots, etc before buy.

  • I really need :fed006: some kind of replay system to record battle, save a clip of best moments/actions etc. But also for a clan members, it’s useful to examine a battle and evaluate clan members work etc. Obviously isn’t a prioritary feature… there’s a lot of thing that comes with priority, but in the future…

Hello, I’m here to give my suggestion a few hours of play.

It would be interesting if they made a version of the game in Portuguese, which hasseen many Brazilian players who are very interested in the game. This would increase the number and lots of players in Star Conflict and facilitate a lot to us.

Another thing would be the balance between levels of players and other things such as our friend Angelripper cited. fed_cool.png

I suggest creating a chat system in game.

This is important for players to talk and exchange ideas.

I suggest creating a chat system in game.

This is important for players to talk and exchange ideas.

I think is already planned, because if you see the game manual, under the “controls” section, you can see “enter” as chat key :002j:

I think is already planned, because if you see the game manual, under the “controls” section, you can see “enter” as chat key :002j:

Yes, you are correct. There is a key to the chat.

  • I really need :fed006: some kind of replay system to record battle, save a clip of best moments/actions etc. But also for a clan members, it’s useful to examine a battle and evaluate clan members work etc. Obviously isn’t a prioritary feature… there’s a lot of thing that comes with priority, but in the future…

Download fraps free version.

Download fraps free version.

Don’t think, that it’s useful. Cos u don’t know, if the battle will be ok or no. Downloading replays or having a MM history with an ability to watch last matches would be good. So, in case of clan wars, for example, everyone can analyse their mistakes by watching the replay and improve their tactics.


It is nice to see, the awesome work you’ve done thus far, I hope, you will continue in same spirit.

As for the wishlist, there are some things I’d like to add, yet i’m not sure, that whole community would support such changes:

  1. Speed of the projectile fired from the ship must be the sum of the velocity of a ship + projectile speed itself. Otherwise there is quite interesting situation, that i’m nearly outrunning the plasma shots i’m firing.

  2. It would be nice just to try for a little while flying without cosmos sloving the ship and having the adility to turn in all directions, while maintaining ships velocity vector. I saw some discussion on the topic, yet I think that this would end up giving players much more immersive experience.