My Ship Suddenly Exploded On Non-Harmful Collision

Bug report:


I was doing my last daily mission in Empire space.

I jumped to Guardian-17 sector with my Tackler - Jaguar, equipped with Cruise engines and then I saw an Engineer Styx with Station Protection On.

I probably still had invulnerability functional, when I collided him with my Tackler and exploded on contact, meant to be as a joke. LOL


There are 3 issues with it.

First, Styx had Station Protection On, so I was unable to deal him any damage, even with collisions. Same goes for him.

Second, I probably still had invulnerability effect active. I am not if it affects collisions, but it’s definitely suspicious.

Third, I see no reason why would I explode with 100% of my health, all of the sudden. I am not sure, if I reached 700m/s. I had no Station Protection enabled.


Final blow indicator was not showing me the reason why I exploded, when I wanted to check the cause of death.


Logs: (Check around 14:52 or 2:52 onward, when I entered Guardian-17 Station)

6th of March 2017 (GMT+1):

[SC](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13636)

That is linked to the bug I reported where randomly a crash one shot even on a frigate and ignore shield even when you have use the implant that block it.


It has been here for ages (was there before I left the game one year ago).

On 3/6/2017 at 3:53 PM, Swifter43021 said:

That is linked to the bug I reported where randomly a crash one shot even on a frigate and ignore shield even when you have use the implant that block it.


It has been here for ages (was there before I left the game one year ago).

This happened in Open Space. Please, distinguish between those 2 modes.

Station protection was on on his ship, so if I can’t deal or receive damage, why did my ship exploded at full health on impact?

5 minutes ago, Koromac said:

This happened in Open Space. Please, distinguish between those 2 modes.

Station protection was on on his ship, so if I can’t deal or receive damage, why did my ship exploded at full health on impact?

I know this. And this is why I say they are linked.


In logs, the bugged collision always have both TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION|IGNORE_DAMAGE_SCALE|IGNORE_SHIELD  while usual collisions have only TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 

Since the station protection is most likely a damage scale * 0 but it’s ignored, then you still die. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

4 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

I know this. And this is why I say they are linked.


In logs, the bugged collision always have both TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION|IGNORE_DAMAGE_SCALE|IGNORE_SHIELD  while usual collisions have only TRUE_DAMAGE|COLLISION 

Since the station protection is most likely a damage scale * 0 but it’s ignored, then you still die. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

You’re my second Skula1975. First one is likely to be out of commission or maybe he’s retired. He’s clearly not here.  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)

If that can help, I’m pretty sure it’s linked to recon warp engine crash mechanic.


Warp engine crash mechanic ignore your shield, and deal exactly 100% of your hull whatever your speed is, and works even under immunity. 

Since this crash do exactly the same thing ; the bug may be that in some conditions, casual crashes are considered as “Recon warp engine” crash. Therefore one shot you and bypass immunity.


Also, if that condition to separate warp crash to standard crash is “speed > 700m/s”, then you should be aware that sometimes we can reach a speed slightly higher then 700.

The UI display sometimes a speed of 701 or 702 for about a second. If you crash within that one second window, that would one shot you right ? 

System does not work by speed indicator, which is totaly bonkers, since you can easily go over 700 and it still shows below 700.

System goes by speed vector summ, so if you are displacing in at least 2 vectors, and one of them is 700 you are bound to be over 700 and it is possible to be displacing in 3 vectors simultaneously.

Hello. This is not a bug in this particular case. When collision damage is happening while object are moving near one another, it can be read by the game as multiple collisions and one of them can be counted with 700m/sec speed, relatively calculated by the system. Unfortunately, this is our game engine’s tech restriction. It was made to create physicaly correct surfaces for objects in the game. But the collision mechanics can work with surfaces this way sometimes.

42 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hello. This is not a bug in this particular case. When collision damage is happening while object are moving near one another, it can be read by the game as multiple collisions and one of them can be counted with 700m/sec speed, relatively calculated by the system. Unfortunately, this is our game engine’s tech restriction. It was made to create physicaly correct surfaces for objects in the game. But the collision mechanics can work with surfaces this way sometimes.

So this is a bug, but “tolerated”.


With the super high new collision damage, you’re always one shoted anyway. So this bug change nothing. 

>>When collision damage is happening while object are moving near one another, it can be read by the game as multiple collisions and one of them can be counted with 700m/sec speed, relatively calculated by the system. Unfortunately, this is our game engine’s tech restriction.<<

Game engine restriction? Why exactly 700m/s?
And it ‘limit’ destroyer to 500m/s?
And why has warp over 2km/s while jumps have 2km/s?

On 10.3.2017 at 4:01 PM, Lord_Xenon said:

…Why exactly 700m/s?..

This value was taken from the initial ‘bug’ description and subsequent discussion, its not game engine inherent, imho.

I had experiences regarding collisions, that your ship may sometimes surpass the 700m/s barrier but even just 1 or less and then is being considerd as warp. This mostly happens when flying in curves, or generally rotate while at max speed. Surpassing 700m/s by even just a tiny bit is considered warp, any collision happening during that time period will immediately obliberate your ship and turn it into space dust. I guess that’s what happened there, since it happened to me in the past.