Table of Content:
- Introduction
1.1 Basics
2.1 Expectations
2.2 Ship Fitting
2.3 Equipement
2.3.1 Shield slot
2.3.2 Hull slots
2.3.3 CPU slots
2.4 Crew
2.5 Weaponary
2.6 Conclusions
3.1 Expectations
3.2 Ship Fitting
3.3 Equipement
3.3.1 CPU slots
3.3.2 Hull slots
3.3.3 Shield slot
3.3.4 Capacitor Slot
3.4 Crew
3.5 Weaponary
3.6 Conclusions
I’ve been playing for a while with the empire destroyers yet, i see many people making HUGE mistakes in their build regarding them!
So, here we are, i’m going to present you a small (hopefully) guide to build the empire destroyers!
note: the build have been tested by me and confirmed to be working (date: 20/06/2017)
First of all , as an empire ship, we have one big advantage: HULL POWER
Our objective is to obtain a balanced damage/range/survivability output
Stating the obvious but these are empire destroyers so DON’T EXPECT THEM TO BE AGILE!!!
2.1 Expectations:
Ah, my beloved first destroyer! Truly a fear-striking juggernaut! By following this guide you should be able to wreck 2 other destroyers before having to abandon ship!
Here are the stats we should have after following this guide:
_ Looks promising…right? _
_ _2.2 Ship Fitting:
1.First thing you should MAX out is the HULL SLOTS this is out most powerfull perk!
Second we will need 2 CPU SLOTS you won’t belive how usefull those are!
And the last but still as important is 1 SHIELD SLOT this slot will allow us not to have too many capacitor problems!
2.We will take the Empire Energy Router as the other 2 will have insignificant results!
3.Level 4 bonus will remain the 100% sensor range , to see enemys who might try to flank you, its really important they dont get behind your thrusters!.
4.Level 8 bonus is optional, yet i recommend the second one it will help our Wormhole Projector to charge faster (its our only escape)!
_ _2.3 Equipement:
Here is a fast look of the modules you want to equip the details will folow up later:
2.3.1 Shield slot:
1.Compact Shield Generator:
We have chosen to put only 1 slot on shields because , lets be serious…on invicibile …
…its useless!
That means we can use this slot for a WONDERFULL capacitor boost! This will save us in lots of situations when we need to use all the modules at once!
2.3.2 Hull slots:
1.Armor-Plated Hull:
An obvious choice when building an empire destroyer…we don’t care too much about our speed so…
2.Reinforced Beams:
This is another obvious choice when building an empire destroyer…
Yet, it can be replaced with another armor-plated hull to gain 2,4% more hull strenght at the cost of another 6% movement speed penality!
3.Crystal Plates:
This amazing piece of equipement will boost your strenght by alot! More enemys make it more efficient, but i recommend you take them one by one…
In hangar only the base hull resistance (19 pts.) is avabile when calculating Survivability!!!
Meaning this rank 8 destroyer can reach OVER 320K survivability points (i suspect about 350K at maximum stacks, wich is alot even for rank 11 destroyers)
2.3.3 CPU slots:
1. 2x Infrared Scann** er:**
Those 2 infrared scanners will boost our critical hit chance by 17% wich will help our brick be as deadly as a thrown one!
_ _2.4 Crew:
1. Neurocontroller “Gigas”** :**
+25% Hull Strenght because empire .png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”).
2. Neurocontroller “Oculus”** :**
-43% Locking Time pretty usefull if you ask me.
+10% Critical Hit Chance a good contribution towards our dps.
3. Neurocontroller “Owl”** :**
+35% Shield Strenght not really usefull but still a good boost; the shield ressistance option will conflict with rank 7 crew point.
4 . Alpha-Inhibitor “Malleus”** :**
+10% Missile Damage quite handy for the Tempest launcher!
5. Alpha-Inhibitor “Velox”:
+30% Rotation Speed we simply need this one, as we should be hiting enemy targets from sides and our positioning is the key to score 4K crit hits.
6. Alpha-Inhibitor “Ox”:
+30% Critical Damage! this one is another key element for our dps.
7. Beta-Accelerator “CU - Type B”:
15% Energy from Shield Damage this one will help our useless shield to contribute towards capacitor regeneration.
8. Beta-Accelerator “Rapidus”:
-17% Cooldown for Modules as a brick, our only escape is the Wormhole Projector, this accelerator will help us improve its performance significantly!
(Basically throwing our brick into enemy’s face more often )
_ _2.5 Weaponary:
Now that we’ve managed to make this ship an armored brick and threw it into enemy’s face whats next? Breaking their teeth of course!
1. G’thar’du Cannon: G’thar’Don’t!
2. Meson Cannon Coilgun:
3. “Halo” Launcher Coilgun!:
4. Coilgun!!!:
Q:why coilgun?;
A:Simply because the other ones don’t deal as much damage and this weapon fits perfectly!
47,1% Critical chance oh yes!
But wait what is this?!..
Thats much better!
Now, this weapon with controlled fire will pretty much destroy any ship, its accuracy makes it usabile even vs small ships and trust me, 4K damage on a small ship is a serious hit!
_ _2.6 Conclusion:
Now we have a teleporting, teeth-breaking, brick of DOOM! 
This build should offer you a great deal of survivability and the firepower of a true destroyer,
Now on invicibile’s bigger brother, Brave:
3.1 Expectations:
Note: this is the photo using the galvanized armor and 2 armor plated hulls.
_ _3.2 Ship Fitting:
This build is an extension of the invicibile one but this thime, we have 2 more avabile slots and we have to change the bonuses as the rank 7 crew trick is no longer enough to sustain the energy requirement of this brick:
On rank 4 pick the kinetic ressistance bonus, we don’t want out hull to have any weakness!
At rank 8 pick the -25% Energy usage on modules bonus, to make sure we don’t run hungry in the middle of the engagement!
As for the bonus slots we will pick another CPU slot and one Capactitor slot because we have our hull as tanky as possibile and we need some damage
_ _3.3 Equipement:
3.3.1 CPU slots:
1. 2x Infrared Scann** er:**
Using 2 infrared scaners offers a nice bonus of 18% Critical chance ; equal to using one infrared scanner with a spatial scanner rank 13 (for open space players).
2. Electronic Guidance:
We will talk more about this in the weaponary section…
3.3.2 Hull slots:
1. Armor-Plated Hull:
note: i’m using 2 armored plated hulls wich are imposing a penality of 6% movement speed and 0,8% hull strenght compared to using one armor plated hull with a reinforced beams rank 15 module!
2. Galvanized armor:
I know not all pilots can afford to buy crystal plates but i recommend getting them ASAP!
3. Crystal Plates:
Now its the time to see the effects of the hull ressistance on survivability at 233K health. Below we have 2 photos of both the galvanized armor (in first photo) and the crystal plates effect (second photo) on our ship:
413027-387071=25956 survivability diference for 11 points… wow…it is about 2359,6 survivability/point of ressistance.
For educational purposes we will try to aproximate what is the survivability of this ship with fully stacked crystal plates
(note that i still have the -0.8% penality of the duplicated armor-plated hull):
as the ressistance precent per point decreases each time we add points we can aproximate this to be about 2000 survivability/ressistance point
the diference between the max stacked crystal plates and the galvanized armor is 30 ressistance points (and -16,7% rotation speed)
this leading us to about 60.000 survivability , adding this to our destroyer will result in 473K suvivability with fully stacked crystal plates!
note #1: if we would calculate the bonus using the maximum bonus avabile for crystal plates - the initial one we would obtain 469K suvivability points, this making me suspect we’re pretty close to the real in-game amount of survivability .
note #2: we don’t add the ressistance bonus from the crew rank 9 bonus, wich would really show how overpowered we can get!
3.3.3 Shield slot:
1.Compact Shield Generator:
You can use any rank of this module, the only diference between the rank 12 and 15 is only 5% Maximum capacitor volume ; i did’t feel the need to upgrade this because personaly neve had run out of energy when i needed it.
3.3.3 Capacitor slot:
1.Iridium Heatsink:
This one boosts our damage by a significant amount, for more details check the weaponary section…
_ _3.4 Crew:
As i said earlyer this is an extension of the previous invicibile build so we will talk only about rank 9+ bonuses
9**. Beta-Accelerator “Gigas II”:**
This is a nice bonus to our ressistance, for each enemy who’s targeting us we get another 12 ressistance points!
10. Neuroaccelerator “Sting II”:
A Huge -29% Active modules energy reduction!
11. Neuroaccelerator: “Ant”:
This bonus adds another +8% Fire rate to our weapons!
_ _3.5 Weaponary:
Now i will let you chose your weapon of preference as the feedback from the previous build suggests i should add suport for more weapons:
2.Coilgun: not anymore
** 3.“Halo” Launcher:**
Go play combat evolved or 2 instead…
4. Meson Cannon:
So now we have a bit more slots to modify this weapon’s parameters wich allows us to rape everything that is brave (pun intended) enough to come close,
Lets just hope our enemies still have a few teeth so brave can complete what invicibile started…
Those , unlike the kintic weapon counterpart, has to be manufactured but its very inexpensive so no real problem here.
Now our weapon looks like this: (note that the DPS shown here does’t cover the critical chance+damage)
This monstrosity is now ready to deal about 4-5k Damage/tick!!!
The thing is you have to be carefull when fighting small ships as the spread on this one will NOT allow you to shoot accurately threfore you may wish to control its fire a bit instead of pressing the mouse 1 and forgeting about everything else; otherwise you may atach a blaster turret instead of the photon emiter but this will inhibit your only long range atack;
not that it matters now that you have overwhelming damage on range smaller than 4,5Km
_ _3.6 Conclusion:
Yet another teeth-breaking brick of doom, this time featuring thermal damage,wich can only move using the eclipse launcher 
Have fun! 
hmmm… whats next? oh yea…
Under Construction… (electrum shortage might lead to a late release)
note: a problem is causing some images to re-apear at the end of the post , please ingore them.