My rap

I am not super great at creating songs, or any writings, But here is what I created while I was bored.

It’s about an inquisitor saving a falcon-M or something.


During the crusades of the inquisitor,

Can’t keep up just trying to save her,

My engines are slow and won’t move me,

Trying to move forward she may die,

I am almost there I can almost see,

Firing up my coil mortars they may cry,

Explosions go off everywhere oh my god,

I almost see her she’s like in a pod,

Shes fast, can’t follow her with my eye,

Her falcon is like the speed of light,

Maybe invite her over to eat some pie,

If she doesn’t I will just have a sigh,

Boom she blew up and my destiny is over,

I am now going to sit in a corner in cover,

I must not cry I still have my hope,

I shall prevail and move forward to cope,

She just respawned here were go again,

Now to fight just like before, move forward and sing.


A war broke out so long ago
It destroyed all I had known
Came back half dead, wanting to go.


Now I go alone.
Now I go alone.
Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.


Those who left not to return
Those whose ships I witnessed burn
Fatal sights, innocence I yearn.


Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.
Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.


Every time I that I undock

I hear the dreaded battle clock

A sound that chills me to the bone


Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.
Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.

Now I go alone.


And after nearly twenty years

Pandora system still brings tears

I weep for my brothers in arms


Soon I won’t fly alone

No I won’t fly alone

I will not fly alone

My friends, I’m coming home.



Sliver//Nirvana adaptation

Mc Sema

Falcon-M pilots needs to fly a frikkin recon. Phase, parasitic, hull repair, shield repair.

Stop frikkin dieing, it is team death match!