my Positron LRF

Hello everybody,


i d like to ask u about my Positron LRF. I am not so happy bout it, it seems kinda ok but not really so great. So id appereciate some advice. Ill just post the modules for a start. Id like it to be able to fight inties as well ,but if thats not possible ill go with it.


You don’t need so much crit chance.  Go for crit damage rather, because when you charge up your positron, which is what you are going to be doing I hope, you increase the crit chance by a lot anyway.  I got my Mauler with positrons up to 160% crit damage, which I can tell you hurts your enemy a lot.  I one-shot a t4 fed cov ops with it once (a poorly built one, I admit).



The rest of the build is fine, imo, except maybe hull repair instead of the shield resistance booster.  Also I prefer IR pulsar or reverse thruster to the tachyon.  Sometimes I put both on actually.

its close to being good.


Tx but suggestions to make it completely good are appreciated. Here is crew:




Okay, so before I make a comment, are you trying to turn it into a gunboat for medium ranges or Longe range support only?

I want to have it as a ship that stays with group and has medium to long range. So its not supposed to hide somewhere far behind and snipe everything from 6k plus range.

Well, it’s surprisingly close to my own positron build for Inquis AE. First thing to do is figure out if you’re trying to stay back or get close. Also, switch out one of the IR scanners to a TTC if you do charged shots a lot. I’d personally change the hull slot to a missile pylon as well, since minefields are so amazingly useful.


If you want to stay far away, then switch out the multiphase for a hull repair - you’re probably not gonna take large burst damage unless you get a covops up the rear, and you’re already dead if that happens. Then again, if the multiphase brings you peace of mind, then keep it. Just be very careful about keeping an eye on your health when you’re piloting the guided torp, since you can’t hear any damage you may be taking. Also, you might want to switch out the shared cooler for an auxiliary generator, since having to reposition is much more likely than having to wait a few seconds to cool down when you’re at long ranges. Just suggestions, honestly, it’s pretty okay as is.


If you want to get close, then I’d switch out the cloak for an IR pulsar, since you’ll be taking much more aggro. Just be careful with it - remember, every lock is 12 resists to shield and hull. I’d also either change the cap slot to pulse discharger, or the ammo slot to double deflector. At close range, projectile speed doesn’t make as much of a difference, after all, and the extra damage is a godsend. The tachyon charge is still good for if you use guided torp, since it helps finish off folks that are just outside your range. Shield slots are okay. Even though the splitter is an awful module, it’s really difficult to survive a recon using parasitic remodulator without it.

I would suggest switching from the crit chance implant to the range implant and dropping the horizon. This way you won’t suffer a damage penalty, but you will still get great damage. Replace the horizon with either another infrared or a coprocessor for crit damage.


Also take off the acceleration coils for a pulse discharger. Using booster circuit and the J6 implant is plenty of projectile speed.


I would also suggest using the reverse thruster instead of the Tachyon Charge.

Use vernier engine cooling engine is a waste on positrons on capacitor go with pulse discarger change the hull module to galvanized and instead of horizon put target tracking comprocessor,you dont need extra range on positron the base range is good

Tx but suggestions to make it completely good are appreciated. Here is crew:


u sure about crew?

Well, if you’re going to try to stay with the group swap the multiphase for a hull repair. As for the passives, you only need 1 crit chance really since if you’re charging often enough then you won’t need the extra crit bonus so instead replace one with a proton wall so that you can survive an ecm attack if you’re caught offguard, also a vernier will/ inertia stabilizer will be necessary if you’r egoing to be under fire often. And if I may ask, may I see your inquisitors stats (resists, capacity, etc.) to see whever adjustment to your hull/ shield is necessary.


*sorry it took so long to reply >_<

So i rebuild it a bit:


Shield is placeholder for reverse thruster which i cannot pay yet.



I dont have the Inquisitor AE yet but Just by plain looking, drop the Horizon and slap on IR scanner or TTC. Implants to me i would prefer f6 and j9 over what you have rest is ok. If you want a Positron LRF, i think Empire one would be better (Ship attributes). The exception being the Mauler. Reverse Thruster is not needed for this kind of ship. e13 implant can make u be infinitely EM cloaked.


PS: Question for vets, Positron cannon has 3 charge stages, anyone know the exact number of the crit chance increases based on charge stage?


1st stage charge: Crit chance listed on stat card

2nd stage charge:???

3rd stage charge:???


PS: Question for vets, Positron cannon has 3 charge stages, anyone know the exact number of the crit chance increases based on charge stage?


1st stage charge: Crit chance listed on stat card

2nd stage charge:???

3rd stage charge:???


No Charge: crit chance listed in stats

1st Charge: Add half the crit chance listed. (If you have a 20% crit chance, it is now 30%)

2nd Charge: Double the crit chance listed. (If you have a 20% crit chance, it is now 40%)


I dont have the Inquisitor AE yet but Just by plain looking, drop the Horizon and slap on IR scanner or TTC. Implants to me i would prefer f6 and j9 over what you have rest is ok. If you want a Positron LRF, i think Empire one would be better (Ship attributes). The exception being the Mauler. Reverse Thruster is not needed for this kind of ship. e13 implant can make u be infinitely EM cloaked.


I agree that the horizon needs to be dropped. Using the F2 implant gives plenty of range without any damage reduction, it also gives 75% more sensor range which is a huge plus. I personally recommend using 3 infrared scanners, as this will give you 40% crit chance at the base charge, resulting in 80% at a fully charged shot, making crits extremely likely. I also recommend the J6 implant combined with booster circuit, you will be able to hit most ships fairly easy.


Personally I have found very little difference between empire and jericho lrfs for positrons. I prefer empire lrfs for coil-mortar spam, but that’s me.

Reverse Thruster is always necessary on an lrf. Most skilled pilots will have no trouble locating a cloaked lrf. Reverse Thruster is necessary to keep moving around without losing your cloak.

Tx but suggestions to make it completely good are appreciated. Here is crew:


Change that worthless projectile speed implant for increased critical chance since you are using 1 implant and 2 CPU modules just for critical stats. 

With that speed ammo + coils using a projectile speed implant is just redundant, you wont miss a shot even if you’re using supercooling charges no coils and no implant.