Muzzle effects and weapon models (take 2 :P)

So here it is: a PROPER bug report of something that is bugging (badum-tss) me:


I noticed multiple (minor) visual errors with some of the weapons:


1: Some weapons don’t have a muzzle flash effect: Kinetic Supercharger, Scatter Gun, Phaser, Gravi-Beamer, Eclipse Launcher


2: Also, the pictures of some guns do not match the actual model:

    The Pulse Laser has the picture of the Beam Cannon.

    The Beam Cannon has the picture of the pulse Laser.

    The Kinetic Supercharger has a yellow version of the picture of the Pulse Laser and the model of the Coil Mortar.

    The Phase Suppressor has a red version of the picture of the Singularity Cannon and the model of The Ion Emitter.

    The Phaser has a purple, modified version of the picture of the Beam Cannon and the model of the Singularity Cannon.

    The Flux Phaser has a modified version of the picture of the Heavy Blaster and the model of the Singularity Cannon.

    The Destructor’s picture doesn’t match it’s model at all. (Picture looks like some kind of a heavy sentry turret)

    The Mass Driver has the picture of the Shrapnel Cannon and the model of the Coil Mortar.

    The Scatter Gun’s model doesn’t match it’s picture at all. (Picture looks like a missile battery)

    The Eclipse Launcher has a blue version of the picture of the Heavy Blaster and the model of the Ion Emitter.

    The pictures of the destroyer weapons look pretty cool, I hope you add proper models for those mighty guns, too!


3: The muzzle flash effect of the Positron Cannon is for some reason red now. It used to be blue! (like it should be! :wink: )


(4: This is not related to the rest of this post, but I wanted to add it anyways: You “fixed” the Sword’s lower afterburning engines, but you forgot to do so with the Excalibur. Details! :D)



Please fix this :slight_smile:



And since this is supposed to be a PROPER bug report:


1.: Description of the proplem: as stated above.


2.: What did I expect to happen: the inclusion of fitting weapon models, pictures and muzzle flash effects.


3.: The conditions during the situation: basically every single situation where weapons are present.


4.: Further details on the issue: as stated above.


5.: Frequency of occurrence: always.


6.: Screenshots: I attached the following Screenshots: An example for a weapon without a muzzle flash effect (Phaser), two screenshots addressing the issue of the swapped icons of the Pulse Laser and the

     Beam Cannon, a screenshot showing the red muzzle effect of the Positron Cannon and a screenshot of a weapon, where the wrong model is used, if compared to the weapons icon (Kinetic Supercharger)


7.: If possible, the time when it happend: Pretty much everytime.


8.: DxDiag: I attached a .txt file… (…but it’s german. Sorry. I have no idea how to change the language of that :P)


9.: Well, it certainly isn’t related to my connection. (I hope this still qualifies as a PROPER bug report though, I’ve been trying so hard already! :D)


10.: Timezone, if related to Sector Conquest: It’s not related to that either.



The Mighty ShapeShifter






[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10871)

[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10872)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10873)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10874)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10875)