Multiple crashes during PvP gameplay

  1. crashed while playing PvP

2)I expcted a normal gameplay, without any crashes.

3)Normal, abandoned complex, combat recon

4)Client crashed, targem bs took forever to load and it doesn’t even work.

5)every 5th or 6th battle. VERY FREQUENT!


7)11:20 CET


also, very simillar to tournament, but after logging in back the game doesn’t freeze or crash anymore.

8 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

also, very simillar to tournament, but after logging in back the game doesn’t freeze or crash anymore.

I had no crashes. If you’re using Steam, did you do the integrity check?

I’m using client

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I’m using client

You can still do the integrity check from the client, I think.

I’ll see tomorrow. 



Tbh this is becoming very frequent not only with my client, but most of the pilots’. Its lucky if you have a battle wiht none of the sides losing pilots due to client crashes.


FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===

Your PC have installed 32bit OS. This OS version can’t allocate more then 2GB RAM for game.

this is bs. I have been playing star conflict for more than 3 years now. It has been running perfect and now you are telling me this. I can even show you a screenie of task manager.

Sorry, but new maps and effects have become bigger…

so why not tell us?


I get that playing star conflict on vista with 4 gigs of ram, 1 dedicated to gpu is laughable, but it still ran decently. 60 fps most of the time and now you are doing this.


You could have at least said anything. Like a post, or aynthing that would warn me.

Anyway, game seems stable enough to play if I turn off all the other instruments and xxxx.

bump still an issue, ran task managwer with the game open, still had plenty of free ram to allocate.


56 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

bump still an issue, ran task managwer with the game open, still had plenty of free ram to allocate.



Can open a task manager, but can’t make a screenshot…

Hello there) Recently, at the end of last year, SC got a major update with lots of technical changes including graphics improvement. The game really became bigger as Skula said. Unfortunately, due to this changes, we had to leave 32bit OS systems behind. Trying to keep up with time ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

On 1.3.2017 at 6:33 PM, xKostyan said:

Can open a task manager, but can’t make a screenshot…

Please read his post, again! He had it open before the crash… Photo is from external camera…

10 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hello there) Recently, at the end of last year, SC got a major update with lots of technical changes including graphics improvement. The game really became bigger as Skula said. Unfortunately, due to this changes, we had to leave 32bit OS systems behind. Trying to keep up with time ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Did you changed, adjusted your server infrastructure, also? Or is it due to upcoming OS upgrades in summer?

5 minutes ago, avarshina said:

Please read his post, again! He had it open before the crash… Photo is from external camera…

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

I take the picture from ext. camera as photographic evidence of ram usage during a crash…

On 01/03/2017 at 5:36 PM, QACinnamonTroll said:

bump still an issue, ran task managwer with the game open, still had plenty of free ram to allocate.


The problem is not about free ram on the PC.

On 32bits OS, a single process can’t allocate more then 2GB ram. You can have 1TB ram if you want to, you’ll still not be able to overcome that 2GB/process ram limit.


Here’s your problem.

According to this hardware survey of Steam (Feb. 2017) 32bit OS systems are c. 1.2% only, of SC game-installs (click on ‘OS version’ below the charts).

Its mostly Window$e 7 Vista 32bit and Window$e XP 32 bit. Linux and MacOS all 64bit!!