Ms. Summer quest locked - unable to progress

So today I accidentally clicked cancel on Ms Summer whilst viewing my progress and tried to reaccept the quest and this happened:



You can’t cancel this quest. Visible of ‘cancel’ button is a bug.

Will be fixed.

Also happened to me. Now the quest is reseted to step 1. So I have lost all my progress now?

Also happened to me. Now the quest is reseted to step 1. So I have lost all my progress now?

It is a bug also. Will be fixed.

Will players affected by the bug get put back to the stage they were on before it happened?


I ask this since when I logged on to check today… it was stage 1. I was on stage 7, which takes a full week to get to.



please, create new [correct bugreport](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)