Move T4+ module to T3+

Gradually releasing modules in first couple of Tiers is understandable, however majority of the game is played at T3, T3 is pretty much where most people spend a great deal of time learning how best to build their ships, experimenting with different builds etc…


By time people leave T3 they have a good idea what they want in future builds.


T4+ however is where the real competive play begins, by time people hit T4 they should already know what they are doing, they is little to no room for experimenting with new modules at this level, so it seems counterproductive to introduce anything new at this level.


Furthermore, most of this modules are already available at T3 to anyone who played prior to certain updates, giving those people a certain advantage over the masses ( personally own T3 Capacitor Power Relay)


List of Current T4+ modules


Inertia Stabilizer . . . Increases strafe speed

Multiphase Generator . . . Increases capacitor volume and recharge

Capacitor Power Relay . . . Increases shield recharge at the cost of capacitor recharge

Submatter Shield . . . Increases speed at the cost of shield resistances

Lightweight Hull . . . Increases speed at the cost of hull strength

Target Tracking Coprocessor . . . Increases critical damage bonus

I think this can be done throughout the tiers. T1 should have more modules, so should T2, and T3 should have all the modules. Same with weapons and missiles.

I think this can be done throughout the tiers. T1 should have more modules, so should T2, and T3 should have all the modules. Same with weapons and missiles.

Remember this ! 'Cause I am agree with you.

I think this can be done throughout the tiers. T1 should have more modules, so should T2, and T3 should have all the modules. Same with weapons and missiles.


I agree, a little more choice in T1 and T2 wouldn’t go amiss either.

I don’t think that it is counterproductive to introduce new modules in the higher tiers. The more you advance, the more skill and knowledge you need, since the variety of possibilities increases even more, thus making the competetive gameplay very interesting. Also, there always is enough room to test out modules, builds, etc. What is there for you to lose, if you try a new build in free pvp? Of course, better not try a new build first time during Sector Conquest or a tournament. But free pvp? No problem.

Or simply start a custom battle with a few corporation friends to try out a new build. Many pilots do that.

The TTC (Target Tracking Coprocessor) was for short time obtainable by crafting. I am not sure if it is still craftable (if there is a blueprint drop)

Some people still own Capacitor Power Relays, Lightweight Hulls or Submatter Shields in T3. Not sure if the strafing engine was in T3, I think thats the only module which always was T4+.


I for one say, make these craftable in Tier 3.

Not for myself, just to note. I have 'em.

Instead of moving those modules, why not just mimic them to other tiers so that they are all available from T3 to T5? 

I feel that you are right, however on the flip side.


The modules that are missing are ones that new players likely will not use. The issue with that is experienced players will. Further increasing the big gap of experienced vs inexperienced in T3.


That said, I want lightweight hull & submatters shields so Interceptors can approach the speed of fighters with the new fighter only engine module.


Though with what g4borg states, some players already have them. They should be added for everyone, or removed for everyone. I don’t recall them available in T3, or I just totally missed out on them. Epic fail me.

I mostly played T2 for the longest time. I skipped my way with a little jig right up into T5. The introduction to new modules is exciting, so I wouldn’t simply add modules to the lower tiers, lest the excitement wear down. However, perhaps a trickle down system could be in order. As new modules are created for the higher tiers, perhaps slowly, little by little, the older modules would become available to the lower ranked pilots as these modules begin to be mass produced.

a lot of these used to be in t3. and before they changed the missiles and ammo mechanics (long time ago) everything was available if i remember correctly

I feel that you are right, however on the flip side.


The modules that are missing are ones that new players likely will not use. The issue with that is experienced players will. Further increasing the big gap of experienced vs inexperienced in T3.


That said, I want lightweight hull & submatters shields so Interceptors can approach the speed of fighters with the new fighter only engine module.


Though with what g4borg states, some players already have them. They should be added for everyone, or removed for everyone. I don’t recall them available in T3, or I just totally missed out on them. Epic fail me.



I personally have 1 Capacitor Power Relay, tho I wish I had more, but they can’t be aquired anymore.


I pretty sure some of the modules was not buyable, but could drop in loot, even a return on this mechanic would be nice, if nothing else.

Instead of moving those modules, why not just mimic them to other tiers so that they are all available from T3 to T5? 


With “moving”, OP meant “mimicing”, not moving them literally (removing them from 1 tier to add it to another).

I love having lots of toys to play with in tier 3, much easier to upgrade then in tier 5 with only one drawback, less implants then tier 5.

When I started playing tier 1 was interesting, then tier 2 became interesting, it brought lots of new stuff, tier 3 was pretty much overwhelming at the time but when I reached tier 4, it was old news since it was exactly the same as tier 3. Then tier 5 came and all it had to offer was new ships and new implants, the modules were exactly the same as tier 4. 

My opinion is that modules should not be taken down to tier 3 but rather more modules should be added to tier 4 and even more to tier 5 and I guess this new tier 6 that was just added. 


Allowing tier 3 to pretty much contain everything this game can offer just stimulates entire well developed corporations to molest fresh T3 players instead of moving on to more intense, more demanding and alot more interesting battle grounds. 

I think that ships should have the same number of active modules as the tier they are in, that gives a good incentive to play higher tiers and it gives the veterans of the game a population in the tiers they might want to move up to.

The funny fact is that we have the new fighters mod (And the guards drones too I think) that are not present int t5, but are in lower rank.

I’m so sad, I tough I could fly with my t5 fighters in invasion thanks to it, but no. :frowning:

The funny fact is that we have the new fighters mod (And the guards drones too I think) that are not present int t5, but are in lower rank.

I’m so sad, I tough I could fly with my t5 fighters in invasion thanks to it, but no. :frowning:

Oh right! The cruise drive, interesting module that one.

The funny fact is that we have the new fighters mod (And the guards drones too I think) that are not present int t5, but are in lower rank.

I’m so sad, I tough I could fly with my t5 fighters in invasion thanks to it, but no. :frowning:

I find this actually positive. Also you do not really need them on a T5. You can still fight in a T4 fit with this (for the included different kind of fight style), and concentrate on building a proper strong fighter fit in the T5 version.

I think we need more modules in general. I love experimenting with builds, but the variations are so limited I always end up with 1 and the same that I figure is best.