Mouse Sensitivity & View

i noticed mouse sensitivity options still has not been added yet -_- mouse movement is far too slow

also the new cameras and the whole view ship maneuverability makes game unplayable to me i cant aim or move ship properly at all now it just feels like work no fun and more or less feels like im playing battlestar on a single map and every1 knows how fail that game was

Mouse sensitivy will be worked on and the handling will also be improved, but it will take some time since there are also a couple of people who like the new handling.

i noticed mouse sensitivity options still has not been added yet -_- mouse movement is far too slow

also the new cameras and the whole view ship maneuverability makes game unplayable to me i cant aim or move ship properly at all now it just feels like work no fun and more or less feels like im playing battlestar on a single map and every1 knows how fail that game was

Since when you had to focus, take aim, and even shooting in BSGO? BSGO had target and auto-fire, and in bsgo you dont have any of the possiblities in the maniouvers than in this game. In Galactuca you couldnt even rotate your ship lol.

you know what im talking about its going toward more of that feel of clunkiness without the locking and autofire

Dunno man, I’ve been playing Battlestar Galactica for a year and I dont see any similitude.

Maybe have a DPI setting within the game to counter own mouse and make some adjustments to how things act and how sensitive things are. More controls the better :slight_smile:

gues il just check back again next month if its playable let alone any fun at all for me but by then chances are something else will be up anyway -_-

Yah, i’d add a few control options and first of them should be mouse sensitivity. Sometimes it’s really hard to fly, as I need to use a full table deck for mouse and it’s still not enough sometimes.
