Mouse pointer stuck in "Fullscreen" mode

When i chose “Fullscreen” in game mouse pointer stuck in lower left square of screen, when i try move mouse i see that mouse is working (because buttons highlighted) but pointer not moving. (On screenshoot mouse pointer not visible at all).


I tryed to reinstall video drivers, mouse drivers. Try to reinstall the game. Non of this helped.


And then i find issues. 


In Windows 7 settings:


Control panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display


Smaller - 100%

Medium - 125%

Larger - 150%


My settings was 150% (Because i have big monitor with 2560x1440) - mouse problem in game “Fullscreen” mode.

When i chose 100% or 125% - mouse work in game “Fullscreen” mode.


Windows in 100-125% display not confortable to me (yes i can manualy make larger fonts and ets. in wondows but what to do with other programs?).


I hope this bug will be fixed soon.


P.S. I wana return to my 150% display…

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8355)
