More OS missions

I’ll make this short and sweet. With the not so recent nerfs to all things good in OS, there really needs to be some form of compensation. If you won’t let us fly around and collect pirate containers, let us fly around and do endless missions in OS. There should be at LEAST one mission every other sector. And they should refresh constantly. Lots of credit missions, lots of loyalty missions, and lots of synergy missions. Maybe Iridium missions too.


That’s it. More missions. Make it so.

And remove the iridium cost for jumps, like seriously… OS is more a bane than a boon.

6 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

And remove the iridium cost for jumps, like seriously… OS is more a bane than a boon.

Nah, even if this function is useful it will make warp gate pointless. We were supposed to travel all around the map and use the warp drive as a time saver for end game players. If you lack or need iridium then travel the good old way ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

9 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I’ll make this short and sweet. With the not so recent nerfs to all things good in OS, there really needs to be some form of compensation. If you won’t let us fly around and collect pirate containers, let us fly around and do endless missions in OS. There should be at LEAST one mission every other sector. And they should refresh constantly. Lots of credit missions, lots of loyalty missions, and lots of synergy missions. Maybe Iridium missions too.


That’s it. More missions. Make it so.


I wish that mining site No6 had a few rogue NY18s that were made by the constructor on board the crashed mothership, and there would be missions to “clean the place out”

9 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

Nah, even if this function is useful it will make warp gate pointless. We were supposed to travel all around the map and use the warp drive as a time saver for end game players. If you lack or need iridium then travel the good old way ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

But it’s a huge pain, since they made the map way less acsessable, but more linear…

The Iridium jump cost is only 10. And it gets you ANYWHERE. I see no reason to get rid of such a convenience cost. If the cost is too high, jump to the nearest station for free then go from there. That’s what I do usually.

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The Iridium jump cost is only 10. And it gets you ANYWHERE. I see no reason to get rid of such a convenience cost. If the cost is too high, jump to the nearest station for free then go from there. That’s what I do usually.

Tried to do the current premium ship event. Found out that I’m using that functionality maybe twice per day (to jump to Water  Harvest/ Poseidon area) so I agree that the iridium cost is just negligible. 



I can understand you.

We have to make five missions and then we have to wait 3-5h until they reset.



Personally, I think that OS is boring.

No story in this game to implement open space, since it was PvP concept from start.

It is just grinding in open space for resources that we need to get new ships.






52 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Personally, I think that OS is boring.

No story in this game to implement open space, since it was PvP concept from start.

It is just grinding in open space for resources that we need to get new ships.

I guess i have to agree with you at some point…


OS should be more like story mode and quests that are actually worth it

5 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

I guess i have to agree with you at some point…


Oh thanks


5 hours ago, Flash0914 said:


OS should be more like story mode and quests that are actually worth it


The problem is that OS is made without any imagination, and we have so many prediction-facts known from Open Space now.

With asteroid fields that can be exploited-mined with some special mining ships( that would be made just for open space-then this ore could be carried with transports…) from nebulas that will reduce sensor range and wormholes-that will make us jump to some other sectors that are not so close…pulsars that will make ships suffer from radiation…so many ideas for OS and we have so boring one.

No ideas-bad developed OS game…


8 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


Oh thanks



The problem is that OS is made without any imagination, and we have so many prediction-facts known from Open Space now.

With asteroid fields that can be exploited-mined with some special mining ships( that would be made just for open space-then this ore could be carried with transports…) from nebulas that will reduce sensor range and wormholes-that will make us jump to some other sectors that are not so close…pulsars that will make ships suffer from radiation…so many ideas for OS and we have so boring one.

No ideas-bad developed OS game…


Highly agreed.

We need more space stuff in space. Not just swarms of enemies and no loot.


Also OS used to be epic and have sorta story about the invasion etc. But you’d just have to be there.

Loooots of events in OS that don’t go on any more. Like even a pirate cruiser around stations.

And alien portals didn’t exist back then. Instead, very rarely you’d be transported to the Otherworld when jumping between sectors. The aliens were super tough but would drop actual good Iridium loot. I’m talking hundreds per haul. It was so great. Idk why they removed all that.