Monocrystals Blueprint as gift for the New Year 2015

Can we just get rid of Monocrystals altogether? The whole crafting system is utterly half-arsed, and since we’re never going to be allowed to trade there’s no point to it.


If Monocrystals have to stay, they should be a lot more common. This would be a perfect way to do it. If they use up iridium then they won’t be that common, and frankly it will only ‘break the game’ if the devs don’t bother to balance stuff made with monocrystals.

Why should they be a lot more common?

Why should they be a lot more common?


Because we got a special Research facility now, which deals with this exact issue alone. I work there as well.

Now that we know, how they can be reproduced, scientists found a way to mass produce them and the blueprint was born.

Last step is approval on massive scale, but since the requirements are not common, your fear of being too common, is basically out of place.


If it would be up to me, every blown alien ship should drop a monocrystal!

Hunter should always drop a bundle of 3 at once!

But that’s not how videogames work, there are common, uncommon, rare and so on materials, the rarest ones give you access to the best stuff. In fact they’re not even rare, you’re just limited at X per day. 

But that’s not how videogames work, there are common, uncommon, rare and so on materials, the rarest ones give you access to the best stuff. In fact they’re not even rare, you’re just limited at X per day. 


This isn’t a RPG, when you can get full set and get bonuses, like same armor, gloves, sword… This is not Dungeon Siege or any other RPG game.

If they are so rare and you defend them, then maybe those missions for monocrystals should be disabled by default and only available for those, who own a premium license?

That’s harsh, but what would you suggest then? I am open to suggestions.

Propose your own.

This isn’t a RPG, when you can get full set and get bonuses, like same armor, gloves, sword… This is not Dungeon Siege or any other RPG game.

If they are so rare and you defend them, then maybe those missions for monocrystals should be disabled by default and only available for those, who own a premium license?

That’s harsh, but what would you suggest then? I am open to suggestions.

Propose your own.


I’m just going to harp back to Warframe again.


That game has materials, and a restricted trade system (ie: you can’t trade parts, only blueprints for specific items). It also has approximate tiers of materials.


The priciest gear needs 6-12 rare materials. These are dropped in quantities of 1, and I find you tend to get 1-3 of them per 20-30 minutes of farming. Or you can buy them for 10-20 plat a pop in most (but not all) cases.


So, a rare item needing 10 Orokin Cells basically works out at 3 hours 20 grinding bosses, £4.00 cash, or something in between. Plus an additional 72 hours / £1.50 build time, plus the less-rare components it needs to build.


Monetisation scheme here is simple - £5.00 for high-end gear isn’t that expensive, but 50p to save myself having to run a boss another 2-3 times is great value!


Now look at Star Conflict. End content requires hundreds of monocrystals, which are dropped at a pitiful rate. How long does it take to get enough for a T6 ship? A lot longer than 3 hours 20! How much does it cost to skip the grind? Enough to buy a AAA game and some overpriced DLC.


It’s bad business, and why so many people cry “pay to win!”. It’s not that they can’t EVER get the content without paying; it’s that they will quit before they get that far, meaning the content may as well be pay-locked.


These games work best when players are paying for convenience, and paying for convenience works best when we set the rate of pay. That means the iTunes pricing method - transactions of under £1.00 should be the norm. Instead. we’re asked to fork over £100 for parts to build a ship, then £200 to transfer elite synergy to free synergy to level it, then £80 to give it Mk III gear, then another £80 to get to Mk V…


Every single transaction in this game has at least one zero too many.

This isn’t a RPG, when you can get full set and get bonuses, like same armor, gloves, sword… This is not Dungeon Siege or any other RPG game.

If they are so rare and you defend them, then maybe those missions for monocrystals should be disabled by default and only available for those, who own a premium license?

That’s harsh, but what would you suggest then? I am open to suggestions.

Propose your own.


That makes no sense… my suggestion is to spend like 30 mins per day and win your 9 monocrystals and just get your ships like anyone else is doing. It’s fun because most of the people with for example 2 secret project ships didn’t complain once yet, they simply put effort in what they like. 


And this is not even RNG based, you’re for sure going to get your 6/9 crystals per day if you spend a not that high amount of time. We’re not talking about farming for an hour and getting 0 crystals because they didn’t drop etc etc. 

That makes no sense… my suggestion is to spend like 30 mins per day and win your 9 monocrystals and just get your ships like anyone else is doing. It’s fun because most of the people with for example 2 secret project ships didn’t complain once yet, they simply put effort in what they like. 


And this is not even RNG based, you’re for sure going to get your 6/9 crystals per day if you spend a not that high amount of time. We’re not talking about farming for an hour and getting 0 crystals because they didn’t drop etc etc. 

c’mon dude… soon we’ll have 12 projects to manufacture (each project need 2-4months of daily mission > depends on premium/setup) so to get all we will have to do daily for 2 years to get all those ships :012j:

c’mon dude… soon we’ll have 12 projects to manufacture (each project need 2-4months of daily mission > depends on premium/setup) so to get all we will have to do daily for 2 years to get all those ships :012j:

a) “soon”

b) Limited access to those ship creates a “uniqueness” feel to those ship, as long as they are not hands down OP vs standard ones.

b) Limited access to those ship creates a “uniqueness” feel to those ship, as long as they are not hands down OP vs standard ones.




It’s pretty much this, they’re “secret project” ships, it’s not their intention to be insta farmed and used in a large scale, if you want them, you will have to choose wisely.