Monocrystal and Resource Economy

I recently heard some rumours, that the Secret Project ships price and requirements are going to be lifted (altough im not sure). These rumours along with the salvage reward changes (Reactor Overload used to give graphite plates, now it gives comp chips and metal blanks, same with Spy Drones) makes me feel that developers are slightly pushing players towards purchasing Contraband Containers being the fastest and easiest way to get both monocrystals and workshop components (altough  horribly expensive ).


I would like to suggest 2 changes for the game economy:


1. Make salvaging give more rare components (e.g. graphite plates, screened batteries)  instead of loads of metal blanks and pure silicon.


2. Introduce Monocrystal Containers, these would have 100% chance to give 10 monocrystals at cost of 350-500 gold standards. Currently buying components for an average SP ships from Contraband Containers is a Russian Rulette that may cost you  100-150 EURO.


Im writing this because this game may get way too expensive for most players (after all its a free-to-play game). Write below what do you think about my suggestion.

As it has been stated many times already, secret projects are end-game content which should stay special and not able to be bought with spending money itself. They are not premium ships. 


Graphite plates are being dropped by several Mk2 things as well, in T4+T5. Screened Batteries are still easy to get and should be extended crafting material.

Of course SPs are expensive in real money, but they are not supposed to be achieved that way, with a premium licence it takes you less than 2 months to get one, since you will never need all 9. This is a fair thing in my opinion. If you play a bit active, and at least 1 hour a day average, you will also easily get the small materials for it.


Also, don’t believe into rumors. They are mostly not close to the truth.

While I agree that trying to build a ship with GS is terribly expensive, you should just take rumors as what they are. 

As it has been stated many times already, secret projects are end-game content which should stay special and not able to be bought with spending money itself. They are not premium ships. 


Graphite plates are being dropped by several Mk2 things as well, in T4+T5. Screened Batteries are still easy to get and should be extended crafting material.

Of course SPs are expensive in real money, but they are not supposed to be achieved that way, with a premium licence it takes you less than 2 months to get one, since you will never need all 9. This is a fair thing in my opinion. If you play a bit active, and at least 1 hour a day average, you will also easily get the small materials for it.


Also, don’t believe into rumors. They are mostly not close to the truth.

Premium license is for GS, so it kind of is boosting your SP progress with real money. Also, i play average 3-4h/day.

While I agree that trying to build a ship with GS is terribly expensive, you should just take rumors as what they are. 

True, they are terribly expensive, even more with no Premium license, but there is one thing we should all have.

Ability to test ride our ships (lease) and fully customizable synergy ranks.

Also, tier IV and tier V monocrystal loot drops would be perfect, since it would keep veteran and elite players above tier III.

I agree with OP though. These things are horribly expensive to get, and if you don’t want to spend money, it takes months to get playing non-stop in-game. Salvaging or Invasion, it takes ages.

Not to mention, even after going through hell to make them, the rewards are minimal, and synergy bonuses suck.

A to the 2)

For people who actually really spend time without any other benefits, but even if inputting a significant amount into DLCs or licenses, getting these things is currently only available if they torture themselves with endless missions and pve gameplay or so much GS that you basicly pay tons or must have some kind of GS pooping donkey in their hangar; Maybe with such a donkey, I would also lose track of reality.


While yes, it is endgame content, it is not balanced into the game economy or progress and creates an obvious paywall; which should not be obvious, for it to work.

I do not care about the existence of the paywall as does not the OP, since yes, if I pay up, I get boosted and know I have to pay for that, this is capitalism, but the existence of the not-so-fun torture to unlock that endgame content is not. I do not want these items to be easily acquirable either, since it should be something you have to work for, yes.


I think this critique is - like every economic critique posted in the forums about grind - a major problem in player retention and negative publicity. The game needs to adapt in this, for its own sake, and employ more trust towards customers, based on quality of work and their fun using the product, so they even willingly throw cash into the box. Which is how digital goods work. This includes, understanding where the frustration is coming from.


Lower tier players even benefit from easier missions, so best to farm monos without leveling too much else. So much for end-game-content.


A simple fix would be to include Monos into T5 or eventually T4 loot in pvp, besides other things, so playing the mode you like will not leave you at a disadvantage, and it is not completely randomly distributed content, but anybody can unlock them by simply playing the game as he/she likes, and finally all gamemodes can be separately enhanced without needing to “force people there”. It should be enough “enticement” to play other gamemodes, because they can provide you with “extra loot”. For extra time. Since every minute a player spends on the servers, is good for the population.


This would also give the packs more enticement, since you can “skip the last 10%” with some GS amount, which is a more sane approach to customer behaviour. The millionaire who just buys all of them, will still do so anyway.


If you have PvE vs. PvP based rewards “played against each other”, the only other solution is trade. Which is how games handle this, if they add specific stuff only obtainable by one game style but beneficial for another. This increases the social interaction of the playerbase (intentionally), but the devs stated they do not want a trade economy; understandable, since it could also be heavily abused, and we have a social aspect in the game anyway by being a team shooter. Designing trade based games is not always easy to balance, even Blizzard had to admit that.


So stating, these things are expensive, is something I see as a result only in relation to the potential income of the players.

It lacks any connection with the major gameplay of this game, which is PvP, in its income. That’s the major problem for me at least.

I get stuff for being a returning customer, which is nice, also I have opportunities to increase this income with extra work, also nice, but that’s it. Such mentality does not help the game, as seen with the Agent missions, which I think nobody really enjoyed, at all.


B to the 1)

Salvaging high tier materials or items however already drops a lot more rare stuff, while having lower tier stuff dropping the cheaper stuff is actually quite helpful. So I do not agree to the salvaging part, that is one of the fairest economies of this game actually has imho, and I would not listen to rumors or paint pictures of doom.

… but the devs stated they do not want a trade economy …


After years i still don’t understand why credit sinks are necessary in a game with no trading (repairs, ammo refills…).

After years i still don’t understand why credit sinks are necessary in a game with no trading (repairs, ammo refills…).

Limited trade options (without GS) should be implemented.

Limited trade options (without GS) should be implemented.


Yea, GS trading would create an awful inflation - like in any other free to play game with bought currency.


The way i thought about it is with sell orders only. No buy orders => less options for manipulated trading. In other words: you buy what you see offered. So you can’t put 1 credit buy orders on stuff and get free creds from re-selling. Eventually cap selling slots @ 10 for free players and 20 or more for premium players (or something like that). Selling to ‘NPC’ should still be an option. That will create items available for people in between buying them from the npc market and selling them back to the npc market. And obviously, no ships.


The hard part is deciding which items should be considered able for selling without making a chaos out of everything. Options i see:

  • mk1-4 mods, maybe 5, dunno

  • upgrade kits

  • blueprints

  • crafting materials / resources

  • monos? not sure, these will surely be expensive, but preferably to avoid something similar to what would be GS trading (even so, much more viable)

  • loyalty vouchers - these would be nice - we have mk2 and 4 upgrade kits, but nothing for mk 3 - eventually buy them from other players instead

  • iridium - think about the next wave of sector conquest conspiracies :smiley:

  • synergy? not sure if this should be an option because it’s up for grabs with GS (although overpriced :frowning: ) and it represents the pilot’s accumulated ‘skill’ with a ship, you can’t really trade brains unless you’re jeri :stuck_out_tongue:


I think a market with only sell orders would benefit everyone a lot. Just avoid a buy order system and there shouldn’t be any problems. Only a few at least…

Yea, GS trading would create an awful inflation - like in any other free to play game with bought currency.


The way i thought about it is with sell orders only. No buy orders => less options for manipulated trading. In other words: you buy what you see offered. So you can’t put 1 credit buy orders on stuff and get free creds from re-selling. Eventually cap selling slots @ 10 for free players and 20 or more for premium players (or something like that). Selling to ‘NPC’ should still be an option. That will create items available for people in between buying them from the npc market and selling them back to the npc market. And obviously, no ships.


The hard part is deciding which items should be considered able for selling without making a chaos out of everything. Options i see:

  • mk1-4 mods, maybe 5, dunno

  • upgrade kits

  • blueprints

  • crafting materials / resources

  • monos? not sure, these will surely be expensive, but preferably to avoid something similar to what would be GS trading (even so, much more viable)

  • loyalty vouchers - these would be nice - we have mk2 and 4 upgrade kits, but nothing for mk 3 - eventually buy them from other players instead

  • iridium - think about the next wave of sector conquest conspiracies :smiley:

  • synergy? not sure if this should be an option because it’s up for grabs with GS (although overpriced :frowning: ) and it represents the pilot’s accumulated ‘skill’ with a ship, you can’t really trade brains unless you’re jeri :stuck_out_tongue:


I think a market with only sell orders would benefit everyone a lot. Just avoid a buy order system and there shouldn’t be any problems. Only a few at least…

I would just do one thing.

Enable exchange of the blueprints from hangar, by sending them to your cargo hold again or give it directly from the hangar to player through an interface.

Biggest grind for me atm is monocrystals. I have enough of everything else to manufacture 2 special project ships but monocrystals are so hard to come by. More daily missions?

Just wanted to mention that if you salvage primarily T4/5 mk 2/4 kits your material problems will soon disappear. The KITS, not the components.


And, Yes, it would be great if Monos could be added to at least the Spatial loot. Monos are the one thing there are never enough of…and they are slow to obtain.

I really don’t understand that. This game has a learning curve and basically you have to fly about a thousand hours to get a proper grasp on the game mechanics. Monocrystal grind is there - BUT:

a) you need about 450 monos per ship, thats 75 days without premium 

b) mono missions are available I think from T2 (and tbh - they are really easy in T2 - you can finish them with any ship class, and they are max 2 gates away), so you can farm them as soon as you start the game (going to T2 takes few battles), spending 10-15 minutes total

c) you are getting a mono per rank (I don’t remember if for each rank, but assume about 30 of them total)

d) there are monocrystals from open space containers (VERY rare, though - I was able to find maybe 10 with Spatial Scanner + 2 from alien sectors)

e) some random drop from daily container (I would say average one per week)

f) after about 2 months of playing you should have enough monocrystals to build your first secret project ship which is about time when you will be getting first R15 ships (unless you were non-intelligent and you tier rushed with something very slow) and you will have basic grasp of which ship do you prefer to fly

g) before public test, sync your accounts, on public test go to test server, build your dreamship and see how she handles. Write down the build, resync, build another one, write down the build, think about what to change, resync, third day of testing try your final build. If it’s ok, build it on live account. Voilla, you have your own, special, secret project ship.

Althoough the OP’s suggestion sounds nice along with trading, I have the feeling all suggestions will remain wishful thoughts…


More monos or easier to get means less grind, trade means less grind…its quite clear that the policy is grind and grind and grind again.

Well the grind factor was severely reduced in the last patch. And besides, no one is forcing you to play the game. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. If you have suggestion how to change it - there is a subforum for that.

At this moment, SP ships are hard to obtain (as they supposed to be), but not prohibitively. If they will require more monos, though - lots of people will be pissed.

Well the grind factor was severely reduced in the last patch. And besides, no one is forcing you to play the game. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. If you have suggestion how to change it - there is a subforum for that.

At this moment, SP ships are hard to obtain (as they supposed to be), but not prohibitively. If they will require more monos, though - lots of people will be pissed.

If I read the thread again after such long time, and reading your last post before this one, and reviewing the patch notes, I do not see that it has changed much to the better for this topic; In the meantime salvaging also got changed as far as i have heard, even if actually that was the thing which was completely fine; so while the thread seems dated, even your own last post contains points which are still the same.


I think yes, the latest changes also included good things, which should “automate” progression, and make it more fluid, but the late game issues with the mono crystal income is still unsolved.


I agree to you, grind is okay when it is about the progression part, which is intended you to learn the game itself. This thread was after all more about problems that are “beyond the grind”, as those ships are like the final unlocks, and the trade is more actually a hope of some older players to get them deeper into the “helping younger players” roles, which clearly seem to lack, but are usually expected in an mmo.



Althoough the OP’s suggestion sounds nice along with trading, I have the feeling all suggestions will remain wishful thoughts…


More monos or easier to get means less grind, trade means less grind…its quite clear that the policy is grind and grind and grind again.

If you come with the action game attitude, the grind is feelable, yes, I feel with you. But it was way worse, once it felt like you play Counterstrike for a year but are only allowed to knife while others farm you in spawn with an AWP. Which was okay since it was beta.

I do think they changed a lot in this regard, and I do hope they will increase to focus on that, but the thread itself is more about lategame, for the sharktank, who usually don’t progress so much and do not need to. Trade as in “item exchange” is really only something which is seen as opportunity from below and as hobby from above a grindline; Even if someone does propose trading, it is less about easing the personal progression effort, for most of us. Because then it has to be balanced into the progression, which could be bad for the progression later.

That’s important because we have to be respectful there with stargem: they do have a reason for personal progression. Similar to one of their clear inspirations, the classic elite, progression being completely subjective does not work together with the open market gameplay, which they want to avoid, and actually, that’s not a bad thing, even E:D keeps this up and its a boxed game (“trade” is something else in that game).

As you probably heard from me, changes of craft system (more friendly, less demanding and deeper than current one) will be implemented soon enough (even sooner than my typical ‘soon’).

As for trading, you know the answer :slight_smile:

 even sooner than my typical ‘soon’


WhenTM vs. SoonTM

Update 1.2.5 gets released tomorrow!