Money for customization that expires? Really?

420 per week per ship (3 colors).


Can’t remember how much stickers cost cause I only use one and, thank god, it’s free cause I bought it before this xxxx mess.

Dear lord. That’s completely insane.

I want blue lasers. Can i have blue laz0rs plz ?


J/K. Never spend a dime on Beta product. Nuff said.

I want blue lasers. Can i have blue laz0rs plz ?


J/K. Never spend a dime on Beta product. Nuff said.

Pretty much this. I would be much, much more inclined to spend money on this, even if it’s just for licenses, if I knew this game will not change fundamentally within a month. It hasn’t even been 4 months for me, but I’ve already been through two complete overhauls of the game.

Right now I’m playing this on a day by day basis and that means no investment from me.

A permanent customization option may be available in the future.

Do you have any more info on this?



i think we should be allowed to customize free, but have rare decals or certain parts of ships that require gold.

This is an interesting idea, so ships can still diversify but for the extra bells and whistles to shell out some gold standards or something.



My value on permanent colors:


$2.50 per color per ship


$10 per color per tier


$45.99 unlocks all colors for all tiers

I like the idea of being able to unlock say one color for all ships. or even all of them. but no way its worth 46 bucks.



I had actually expected to see temporary options for credits and permanent options for GS. That is why I’ve been hoarding my GS, was in expectation of this feature. But GS for temporary customizations? That’s a new low.

This system is actually very common in f2p games. Maplestory was a huge offender, and they never had any perm options available and probably never got them either. From my experience this seems to go across the board for foreign games. 

i’m not gonna spend a single dime on this game until i know exactly where this game is going.

Customization should be permanent for gold, temporary for credits.

i’m not gonna spend a single dime on this game until i know exactly where this game is going.

As a rule I dont put in any cash into a game until ive played it a long time and seen both that i’d be dedicated enough to enjoy what i bought and to get an idea of where a game is headed.



Customization should be permanent for gold, temporary for credits.

I can get behind this.


Customization should be permanent for gold, temporary for credits.

Genius idea!


Also, I think if anyone is interested in spending gold for stickers, it should be permanent and chances are they may want different stickers later on anyway, plus they are per-ship.

This system is actually very common in f2p games. Maplestory was a huge offender, and they never had any perm options available and probably never got them either. From my experience this seems to go across the board for foreign games. 


Just because a bad idea is widespread does not make it a good idea.


Games that are remembered and adored by their fans are usually ones that broke the mold and did something fun and crazy that other games weren’t doing. This game is neither adored or recommendable at the moment.

We are sadly loyal…


The potential is there.

Customization should be permanent for gold, temporary for credits.

Genius idea!

Genius indeed. Almost like the system was… oh, I don’t know - three patches ago.



Love how we can’t get an answer from the devs on customisation.

And no, “we are monitoring the situation” is not an answer.

Love how we can’t get an answer from the devs on customisation.

And no, “we are monitoring the situation” is not an answer.


Heck, yes! I dont get it… Why is the costumisation such a big deal? Why isnt it implemented for all tiers yet? 

And If you want us to try out those options so you can have a feedback (if you need it) give them for free/ silver. Its not that hard to understand, i guess.  


And what about the stickers? They were used to be permanent, or bought with silver for one day. 

Just makes me even more strongly believe that this game is degenarting to a money-sink. And I wont spent real money on smth. that temporal. 

When the colour customization came in, it was stated that the full mechanics/system is not yet finished. It will be implemented for the other tiers, and it was mentioned that permanent options will come back in the future.


Unfortunately I can’t tell you when, but the concerns will be forwarded to see if we can acquire a more ‘official’ answer on it :slight_smile:

The nation flag costs 40gs for 1 week on T2 and about 52 or 54 (can not check now, but not 40) on T3 or 4. do not remember. 


So with different prices do I :


  1. unlock that flag just for that specific ship ?

  2. unlock that flag for all the ships in that tier ?

  3. unlock the flag for all tiers ?


ordered by likelihood.


I doubt it will be 3, but if it is at least option 2 … 

I really got worried about how greedy this company is when i noticed colors expire, i mean i understand they need money to make the game better but somethings are a turn off and this is one of them.

I just finished playing a game called Warframe, and in that game you unlock color pallets for 75 plat which is about 5 dollars worth in USD, when it came to the pallets i really wanted I spent the money. I ended up getting saturated, smoke, and storm color pallets and also i would pay for other things like clan emblems but i can honestly say i would have spent a hell of a lot less on that game if things expired, because I never would have bothered.

Pretty much a business model that is completely covering for a lack of content (Understandable in beta) like this one is…it  sends all the good players away and keeps all the suckers and winy people around, eventually turning the community to xxxx. Seriously. I don’t know much about the developers of this game but its hard to compete with where i just came from after 10 yrs of online gaming… war frame has the best dev team I’ve ever experienced, maybe I’m spoiled now but it’d be nice if a community manager was around to comment on this stuff… If they promise when more content comes out stuff like this wont happen I’d feel safer investing even a dime, because I have yet to, I’m afraid of wasting money on a game that may go no where even tough i wana support it to help along the possibility of something great…what I’m seeing so far looks like the community gets the shaft with corny gimmicks for people to buy the currency. Plenty of games have bad rates but, maybe i just need to spend alittle more time before blasting. 

Wow, sorry for the total rift.

TL;DR: The colors and various things though out the game have me worried about spending any real money as It seems everything expires or isn’t sellable. (Cheap Gimmicks to cover lack of content and or true customization coming from any cash shop, I feel at least one color pallet or 5 default colors should be free)

I really got worried about how greedy this company is when i noticed colors expire, i mean i understand they need money to make the game better but somethings are a turn off and this is one of them.


As stated quite a few times, the temporary customisation was due to the system not being totally finished yet. It was introduced due to high demand from players and allowed people a sneak-preview as well as an ability to play around with it. We did say that permanent options would come back in the near future, and indeed the Patch today is re-introducing this. (As well as making the custom paint jobs available for all ships)

As stated quite a few times, the temporary customisation was due to the system not being totally finished yet. It was introduced due to high demand from players and allowed people a sneak-preview as well as an ability to play around with it. We did say that permanent options would come back in the near future, and indeed the Patch today is re-introducing this. (As well as making the custom paint jobs available for all ships)


yea, its great. But prices are a bit hefty imo. 5€ to paint one T5 sheep? 

Still less than my expectation :slight_smile: Will Begin Paint Campaign Soon


Those already in-game ==> Premium ships can be re-painted ?