Modules you can't buy

I have many green items at warehouse that you can’t buy in shop but i can use them. I looted that items some months ago and i think that this items can’t be looted anymore. This is unfair for all the new players that can’t buy or loot this items that in some cases have very good habilities… and i’m sure that some old pilots can have also this rare items in purple.

This modules must be deleted if you want to keep the balance for the battles. I’m sure new players want use this skills to. Thanks for reading (sorry about english mistakes).


Some Examples:




*LOL what a bug… i was using 2 modules of Light Weight Hull right now and now it only allow me to equip one!




LOL is just me or Lightweight Hull T3 is missed? i have one but i was sure i had 2


Share your rare items here with a screenshoot if you like


P.D: I think that 2 blue items that you see in first picture were avaliable at other moment for T3 but for some reasson they removed till T4. So why i can use them? I’m sure new players can’t buy this stuff. They must remove all this items in order to increase the balance, as i said this is totally unfair for new players

I’m pretty sure with next patch some items will be sold and refounded.



Could you perhaps list some of the mods that you are talking about?

From another thread:

I remeber atleast 3:
Capacitor (the one you have equipped)
Lightweight armor
Shield thingy that gives you speed in trade of shield resistances.

Oh and don’t get me wrong, i have nothing against other people fitting them, its just might wanna put a comment for newer players that these modules are unavailable for them.


Add the critical damage increase mod (cpu slot).


So 4 so far.


In this image you can see the capacitor mod being talked about, the one that adds energy and also regeneration rate:


The shield speed thingy is the Submatter Shield.

For the CPU slot it’s the mod that increases critical damage, not the chances for crits. Forgot it’s name.


PS: all this has already been discussed for a while now. Players voiced their concerns for fair refunds should they be removed, where experimentals barely have a refund estimate. Basically IIRC people suggested they should be moved in their proper tier instead of removed from the game and refunded. A choice given to players if to refund or move them in the upper tiers would be even better.

I’d say either move the unavailable modules that weren’t removed, or make them available again. Preferably the latter.


I got two blue Multiphase Generators that are still on my Prometheus-X.

I’d say either move the unavailable modules that weren’t removed, or make them available again. Preferably the latter.


I got two blue Multiphase Generators that are still on my Prometheus-X.

Yep, my Katana S still relies on two multiphase generators and most Jericho and Fed ship I use are equipped with lightweight hulls.

It made no sense to leave them available only to those who had them.

The Target Tracking Co-processor mod however is entirely useless after the patch - in any tier - and the other two… well I wouldn’t use them either although someone might.