Modules ship Sibyl

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I made the Sibyl spacecraft and there is no possibility of placing the Pyro Emitter, Turbine Blaster, Plasma Turret and Multiphase Shield modules.
I have the Antares ship and this module can be installed.
The Sibyl ship was manufactured after the last update.
Was that right?I made the Sibyl spacecraft and there is no possibility of placing the Pyro Emitter, Turbine Blaster, Plasma Turret and Multiphase Shield modules.
I have the Antares ship and this module can be installed.
The Sibyl ship was manufactured after the last update.
Was that right?




The modules do not appear in your equipment list as you have all current versions installed on other ships. You can still install them on your new ship via unequipping and re-equipping onto your new ship or obtain a duplicate of the modules to install on the new ship.