Model request [Respond post haste]

I was wanting to request some ship models to 3-D print at my college. I request the Procyon, Parallax, Rockwell, Ira Deus, and Sai.

I probably need to get them quickly, as the lab is only open until next friday. I would really appreciate these. I will post them here if I get them finished, ofc. I plan on painting them as well. ^^

I was wanting to request some ship models to 3-D print at my college. I request the Procyon, Parallax, Rockwell, Ira Deus, and Sai.

Where is the Hunter? :o

Hunter model would be crazy to make given its halves and Center ring. I would love to make it but it would just be a whole lotta effort. Xp

It is a 3d printer…

I’ll take it anyways! XD

I would love to try and copy a model for you to print, over the weekend (maybe in exchange for some small compensation :slight_smile: ) However it will not be as detailed as the real model made by the SC devs… Ira Deus should be fairly easy

I really need good models though… Especially for the Procy and Sai. If only the devs could open source their models so that people could play with them and make stuff with them. That would be amazing, and it could even lead to player-submitted ships! X3

So can I get them or what? #DoublePostMadness

How long do you have access to this 3d printer? And how detailed can it print lol. Some ships have really spiky bits…

I have free access to 3D printers on campus for another year or two, myself! Pretty detailed ones, at that. Benefits of going to a large public school, yo.

The reason I’m in a hurry to get them is because they are very detailed ones. I probably wouldn’t see another like them until 3-D printing is the only printing. XD

Devs usually don’t share their stuff to people. Sometimes I feel like I want the ships just to take part off of them and put them on my tanks, or just use parts as an idea to model something for my tanks.

Remember those?:


A nice model of wolf:


In chat section SC refused to share the models not sure they will share those files here

Yeah I think the devs already said they will never give the models. Is there a way to get a copy off sketchfab?

Yeah I think the devs already said they will never give the models. Is there a way to get a copy off sketchfab?

ofc, you can get copies of everything when you know how. It’s theoretically possible to exctract the models out of the game files, but both getting them from sketchfab or out of the files is a) not that easy and b) not allowed

I would love to have a little 3D jaguar sitting on my desk :confused:


Maybe if instead of giving us the files, the devs could directly buy the models and have them shipped to us! (And we pay of course)