Mobile Barrier needs rework

It’s insane good in some situations, and useless in others.


An example of insane good: I was team cap in combat recon. I found a place to hide that was a mini tunnel. I can easily keep 3 barriers up most of the time with blue only barrier. So I always had barrier behind and in front. This lead to me being almost literally invincible as team captain and we easily won. But without barrier I think we’d have lost. 


Yet most normal fights its entirely worthless to team, but engineer are supposed to be team player. 


I suggest having only one out at a time. But making it much, much much bigger so that several ships may use it for cover.


Some potential additional changes, maybe maybe not, but perhaps allow

  1. 25% of allied damage to pass through?

  2. Keep a similar size, but make it move with front of ship. So it’d be more like a literal mobile barrier. 

  3. Have stay same size, but allow all allied fire to go 100% through

  4.  make really big, make ally fire go through, but make really frail, so it only lasts ~4 seconds

  5. Make it a huge sphere for a safe zone for allies


edit PS could i get my real name here on forum? Someone else took “Starshot” which is my real in game name. 

Those are some great ideas, currently mobile barrier do feel a bit underpowered…

Friendly fire go through? are you insane? that would make it insanely OP…

4.  make really big, make ally fire go through, but make really frail, so it only lasts ~4 seconds


I like this one, but “really big” is a bit too vague. 50% increased radius, ally damage go through, last for 3,5/4/4,5/5 seconds regardless of taken damage, with a CD of ~35 sec. Thats how i would like to see it.


Ehh changed my mind. that would still be very good in some situations(frig fest), and crap in others.

You know, I’m wondering…It says the barrier has a maximum health(The currently ingame one), but exactly how much is that? I have shot at one once, and it just.didnt.die.

I once decided to try that as well, and was spaming it with heavy plasma. No luck taking it down!

maybe when i get to T3 engineer I’ll buy the mk1 version and get my corp against me and shoot at it…see if it can actually be broken…or you guys could try it…would save about 2 weeks time haha

Friendly fire go through? are you insane? that would make it insanely OP…

Im not good at actual balance, just pointing out ideas. I leave balance up to you guys and devs. 

Im not good at actual balance, just pointing out ideas. I leave balance up to you guys and devs. 

haha fair enough, but the reason it would be OP is because the engineer&friends could sit 100% safe then, while killing everyone else. It would be like shooting through a building while your enemy cannot…

Could you imagine a engineer/long range empire frig working together…my god…that would be insane…he wouldn’t be able to get sniped, but can snipe everyone else.

Could you imagine a engineer/long range empire frig working together…my god…that would be insane…he wouldn’t be able to get sniped, but can snipe everyone else.


So you’d basically be making the engineer less useful, while enabling the LRF to be marginally less useless than usual?



IMO, the best way to fix the barrier would be to give it health.  Make it destroyable, even if only by concentrated fire from the enemy team.  2 methods to do this:

  1. Give it a large amount of health [probably EM, because it looks like an energy shield]

  2. Give it less health, but passive regen as long as the player who deployed it is within a certain distance


Both of these would allow the barrier to effectively tank 1 or 2 enemies’ fire, but concentrated fire from a bunch of ships would melt it.  This would remove the essentially-an-exploit factor that currently exists.

the empire LRF is quite useful, high damage, can rape engineers… the jericho is quite aweful but that is for another thread.

Those are some great ideas, currently mobile barrier do feel a bit underpowered…

i once tried to build a wall with it. and hide 3 minefield behind them.