9 hours ago, g4borg said:
now that is a bit of an optimistic approach
i mean i know a lot of matchmaking games, and SC is clearly not a winner in that department
and i even think the reason might be actually because its a bit too complicated for what it should do.
Yes its optimistic, or, its the: do not expect too much and you will not get dissappointed too much and try to understand limits - approach.
The second part of your answer is what makes it interesting. Why would the developers not try to get on paar with other good match makers (MM), given that the game SC actually isn’t that bad and compete with other games.
I think your right pointing in the direction of the complicated things of Star Conflict’s MM. I also think that goes for the game as a whole. It is complicated and complex and is hard to balance out of this - I mean all the different ship models, different stats and weapons stats through all ships/ranks/weapons/modules/fractions…
It must be hard to code a good MM under these conditions - so maybe less would be more.
There was this interesting video lecture that I saw some time ago, about complexity and its costs and diminishing return an investments: basically its this, that complexity grows to solve problems, and complexity makes thing easier to manage, but comes at a cost (money, developers, coding-hours etc…) Joseph Tainter: The Collapse Of Complex Societies and here’s a new good conceise 2018 one: Lynette Zang interviews Dr. Joseph Tainter, author of The Collapse of Complex Societies
[@g4borg](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239042-g4borg/) if you could speak about, what makes MMs good in general or in other games, would be very appreaciated and helpful for the discussion.
5 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:
Matching players by stats is one thing, but skill is not something you can see on someone’s account, even if stats are perfectly balanced some are more skilled than others and that’s what can make the whole difference.
It is not only skill, its a combination : ping, fps, time of day (lesser or more competitive players as comrades or enemies), map, ship build, experience, ship type, weapon choosed (EM, thermal, kinetic) etc…