MK5/MK4 weapon damage difference.

Ok guys so I’ve got an T5 MK5 Assault Rail that does 3040 DPS with 2 heatsinks etc, and an T5 MK4 Assault Rail that with the same setup does 2984 DPS. 

I read somewhere that the low difference was a bug and they fixed it. 

So do these values sound familiar to you? For everyone the revised increase is this small? Or my weapon is still bugged? 


mk4 >> mk5 is something like 3% boost  :006j:

That’s all


Everything bit of damage helps.

I agree that Mk5 SHOULD do greater damage. Either that, or apply some sort of special effect. Maybe transfer shields/hull like a leech weapon at like a 2% rate or something. Or maybe burn energy on target ship. Or even gain a VERY slight homing mechanism that turns projectiles at like 1°/s or something. Idk. I just want more out of the heaps of resources I put in to my weapons.

Stop please capt. Very biased suggestion towards yourself and people who are hardcore.

I agree that Mk5 SHOULD do greater damage. Either that, or apply some sort of special effect. Maybe transfer shields/hull like a leech weapon at like a 2% rate or something. Or maybe burn energy on target ship. Or even gain a VERY slight homing mechanism that turns projectiles at like 1°/s or something. Idk. I just want more out of the heaps of resources I put in to my weapons.

At a certain point, it stops being a normal advantage and starts being an unfair advantage.

Well being the ability to go into invasion areas\sections to get all of the required alien monocrystals to craft some of the MK5 gear are still without hazards and obtainable by even the weakest players…   it should not be a huge difference…    

when you compare the difference between white and orange, it’s like what, almost 40%? that’s already pretty huge. doesn’t need anything more.

when you compare the difference between white and orange, it’s like what, almost 40%? that’s already pretty huge. doesn’t need anything more.

actually it’s 28,7%
