Missions resetting

Basically every hour all my missions reset or rewind to some progress from last night, both active and completed. 


For example Teamwork: Squad i killed 41/200 last night, played some games this morning, got to like 60something, and when i logged on now, it’s back to 41 again.


Alien tech challenge: defiler and destroyer, it was 6/15 this morning when i logged off, now  i had to accept the mission again, so it’s back to 0


So this is basically for all those missions, and mono missions aswell

Could you please attach logs and screenshots befor/after issue. More information there


2 logs from the night before i noticed the issue, and 2 from the day tmorrow


[2017.03.16 00.47.23.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13700)  

[2017.03.16 01.13.54.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13701)  >  after server reset

[2017.03.16 11.54.56.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13702) > 1st login yesterday

[2017.03.16 12.09.19.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13703) > 2nd log yesterday




Today’s screenshot, as you can see, spec ops reset again, and squad mission is 41 again


Also, can you write, steb-by-step, what happend?

Nothing really. I played, logged off, logged on tomorrow, and my missions reset.

Will be fixed at next update
