Mission: Make Connie Happy, no quest item drops

Biomorphs do not drop ‘Iridium plates’, 4 are required. Killed about 10 in Colonization Centre, zero drops, just Alien Ship Debris.

Please, make more full bugreport: quest name, date, time, logs for this period 


Quest name is in the title: Make Connie Happy.

Date/time was just prior to the bug report.

Log will not show anything, as it was not a client, but a server/quest issue (no ‘Iridium plates’ drops).


35 minutes ago, betatrash said:

Log will not show anything, as it was not a client, but a server/quest issue (no ‘Iridium plates’ drops).

Logs needed anyway, anytime. Even if they are not needed.

21 minutes ago, Skula1975 said:

Logs needed anyway, anytime. Even if they are not needed.


[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/) Same issue again. Federation mission, L. horn (Open Space): Make Connie Happy - Destroy Biomorphs, collect 4 Iridium plates in Colonization Center and deliver them to base.

Iridium plates do not drop. Also, the zone marked on the map is Colonization Hub , not ‘Center’.