Mission Bug, can not complete Alien Tech: Challanges

Mission Bug, can not complete “Alien Tech: Challanges”

I can not proceed Alien Tech Challanges Missions, because it tells me to kill with Thar’Kth cannon. Its blueprint is located at Thar Ga Rank 11 ship tree.

Since the Developers changed the Thar Ga ship tree, …

first i can not activate Rank 11 (it requires more points now!)

Second even if i can activate Thar Ga rank 11, i will not have enough resources to (1) unlock blueprint, (2) buy blueprint and (3) build this weapon. (YES its really 3 steps)

I am therefor not able to finish this mission.

Please fix this and send me a compensation of xenocrystals.



Compensation plz. Mine was rank 11 but now is stuck at rank 8.

1 hour ago, Kainzi said:

Mission Bug, can not complete “Alien Tech: Challanges”

I can not proceed Alien Tech Challanges Missions, because it tells me to kill with Thar’Kth cannon. Its blueprint is located at Thar Ga Rank 11 ship tree.

Since the Developers changed the Thar Ga ship tree, …

first i can not activate Rank 11 (it requires more points now!)

Second even if i can activate Thar Ga rank 11, i will not have enough resources to unlock blueprint, buy it and build this weapon.

I am therefor not able to finish this mission.

Please fix this and send me a compensation of xenocrystals.


Provide logs.

Logs can be found in logs folder, under User/My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs.

If you know when this happened, select the proper log folder, zip it and upload it here.

Support most likely won’t compensate you anything. They will ask for logs, even when they have their data on the other side.

really, this is not a complicated bug, its simple and straight forward. The Problems of TharGa Ship tree are already widely known, too. But ok, ill do the work…

  1. Description of the problem:

Alien Tech Challanges Missions requires Thar’Kth cannon which i can not even buy or build right know, because the TharGa ship tree was changed recently.

Other players just receive simple task without any alien tech requirements. Thus they can do the mission every 6 hours, that is its reset time as far as i know, while i am stuck at this one and can not do any. That is not fair.

  1. What did you expected to happen.

I expect the same chance to finish missions like everyone else.

  1. The conditions during the situation.

I am stuck with this mission. Neither can i finish it nor can i abort it!

  1. Further details on the issue.

This problem is probably rooted in the recent changes of TharGa ship tree point requirements.

  1. Frequency of occurrence.

Once, but i am permanently blocked, cause the mission can not be aborted!

The screenshots and logs will follow. The Dxdiag config file is not necessary, because its not a client sided problem.

The specified location for log files \Documents\My Games\StarConflict\ … has a size of over 1GB!

Sorry but over 1GB is too much for my weak upload rate, please tell me exactly which file you need!?

As far as i can tell those files containing either hardware specific configurations, chat logs, battle logs and some communication log showing authentication requests.

None of those things are needed for this bug! This is a purely server-sided problem!







There are 3 possible solutions:

1st, remove the current task just for me, but it might reappear later on.

2nd, remove the requirement to use specific items such as this Thar’Kth cannon for either only this task or better do this for all tasks.

3rd, since this task has a reset time of 6 hours, let us cancel it and give us a new random one 6 hours later. Thus add a cancel button.

plus maybe you want to check if a player has a certain weapon or at least can buy or build it, before giving him such a task.

… missed about 32 xenocrystals so far ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

just marketing, you will most likely not get crytals back, because tat requires you to contact the game support. Also, the mission is not a bug - you just simply cannot complete the quest, its simillar to the last year’s destroyer marathon - cannot get electrum, because that would require me to have destroyers, which I did not have.

12 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

just marketing, you will most likely not get crytals back, because tat requires you to contact the game support. Also, the mission is not a bug - you just simply cannot complete the quest, its simillar to the last year’s destroyer marathon - cannot get electrum, because that would require me to have destroyers, which I did not have.

But you could build destroyers and you had the chance to collect all resources, i can NOT even unlock the cannon blueprint!!! WTH ?

The game probably still sees me as Elydium Rank 11 and gives me this mission with Thar’Kth cannon. BUT since the recent changes to TharGa ship tree, i can only configure max rank 10.


Everyone else gets a mission with 4 xenocrystals reward every 6 hours while i can not proceed this missions at all. I can not even cancel the current one and hope for a better one after 6 hours. I am totally blocked!

Now dont you dare to tell me this is not a bug, IT IS, the developers simply didnt think it through before changing the TharGa ship tree.

Just add a cancel button, its only copy-paste some code.

I have the quest were i need to kill ships with Thar´ga´tok and no matter where and how many i kill the counter still shows 0. Now im again stuck because of another bug and can´t get any xeno cristals.

4 hours ago, otaku98753 said:

I have the quest were i need to kill ships with Thar´ga´tok and no matter where and how many i kill the counter still shows 0. Now im again stuck because of another bug and can´t get any xeno cristals.

Start a new Bug Report this is my spot ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)
We have seen this kind of tasks before. They probably just reuse preexisting code and change the weapon ID. If you really are more lucky than i am and have this blueprint unlocked and build the weapon, then it should work. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Thus recheck your Weapon and make sure you use Rank 9 or higher with it in pvp battles.

On 1/18/2017 at 8:07 PM, Koromac said:

Provide logs.

Logs can be found in logs folder, under User/My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs.

If you know when this happened, select the proper log folder, zip it and upload it here.

Support most likely won’t compensate you anything. They will ask for logs, even when they have their data on the other side.

@Koromac - Are you legit member of the support crew or are you just trying to help?

2 minutes ago, Kainzi said:

Are you legit member of the support crew or are you just trying to help?

The official support crew in charge of bugs don’t bother looking for the bug if you don’t follow this format and provide logs (for obvious reasons).

On 1/18/2017 at 7:00 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Compensation plz. Mine was rank 11 but now is stuck at rank 8.

I am not asking for compensation of xenocrystals to become rank 11 again. I am only asking not to block me from doing the “Alien Tech: Challanges” tasks and to compensate the missed chances to do this very mission, which are 4 xenocrystal every 6 hours.

If you do not have the exact same problem, start a new bug report!

How do i know that this thread was read by a legid staff member?


Just now, Kainzi said:

How do i know that this thread was read by a legid staff member?


He’ll answer, with a [logid] or “Please provide logs” depending on if you gave enough infos.

55 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

The official support crew in charge of bugs don’t bother looking for the bug if you don’t follow this format and provide logs (for obvious reasons).

ive added screenshots and thats all they need.

from “Bug Report Guideline”

Files to attach:

  • A screenshot showing the issue from the folder Screenshots
  • DeviceCaps.log
  • game.log
  • game.net.log
  • user_config.cfg

DeviceCaps.log contains information about my local hardware graphic card and its settings - i do not have any problem with graphics!

game.log contains my local audio hardware setup, audio and video configuration, as well as some texture warnings and errors - but again, i do not have any visual problem!

game.net.log contains communication protocol logs - again, i do not have any connection issues!

user_config.cfg contains local game client settings, such as audio, graphics and so on - again, i do not have any problem with the visual appearance of the game client.



My Problem is the Quest that the server gave me! Neither can i build the required weapon, nor can i unlock the blueprint. Because the devs recently changed the TharGa ship tree points for each modul/socket, i am stuck at rank 10! But the mission i got requires me to be (1st) rank 11 with (2nd) blueprint unlocked and (3rd) the Thar’Kth cannon manufactured! I am not even able to become rank 11!


I dont feel comfortable telling everyone my hardware setup through the logs - but anyway ill do it, i added all the files into the v2 zip above. Despite that they wont even need it.

Lets see if i get any reply from some legit SC staff member… ?

From what i hear by other people, i have little hope - i doubt that this has any use at all. They have a very low reputation when it comes to such matters. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

10 hours ago, Kainzi said:

@Koromac - Are you legit member of the support crew or are you just trying to help?

I’m pretty sure you’d have to do it anyways and if skula replied - it would be the same what koro said. So he helped you AND staff

10 hours ago, Kainzi said:

Start a new Bug Report this is my spot ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)
We have seen this kind of tasks before. They probably just reuse preexisting code and change the weapon ID. If you really are more lucky than i am and have this blueprint unlocked and build the weapon, then it should work. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Thus recheck your Weapon and make sure you use Rank 9 or higher with it in pvp battles.

All done and i need a rank 7 and have rank 8 so it should work…

still nothing…

btw in summary, i am missing over 1 week of those “4 xenocrystal missions”, since its reset time is 6h, it will make at least 112 xenocrystals … :’(

i had premium shortly and could buy it, thus its actually 50% more. That feels a lot, considering that this is the new rarest resource in game. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

still no reply from any official staff member…

well i guess that they give a xxxx

this forum wont see me again

24 minutes ago, Kainzi said:

well i guess that they give a xxxx

I believe you mean “they don’t give a xxxx”