After today update it seem that the dev’s team forget to add upgrades point to allow us upgrading the ship to R10
log:[2017.07.26 16.42.12.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14966)
Please fix it as soon as possible! otherwise it’s like there was no update for the ship today!
you have to unlock a special module in ordeer to advance to next levels.
6 minutes ago, xKostyan said:
you have to unlock a special module in ordeer to advance to next levels.
why that ? since when ? ._.
oh wat.
i’m done. no more alien ship for me
Pffft, It can’t be that bad.
wait a minute
I’m also out of xenocrystals, looks like its time for another event.
I am so happy that I’ve made them all before this change.
I wonder who in the staff thought it was a good idea ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)
Just now, EndeavSTEEL said:
I wonder who in the staff thought it was a good idea ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)
Probably publisher demanding more revenue to driven devs to implement changes for more grind/gold spent.
1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:
Probably publisher demanding more revenue to driven devs to implement changes for more grind/gold spent.
Next change: Thar’Ga’s economic revamp.
Will suggest that to them!
How to get the new crystal parts? for unlocking the II. (2nd) skin and special module ?
Not a bug
you should buy new specmodule’s node
Yes, I recognized, that there are 4 new “Special module resoures” are on the market now:
- Unstable crystal
- Crystal cascade
- Entangled shards
- Crystal storage
But where do these resources come from?
Is there a container/a bundle with them? I did not see these resources
Edit: Ah I see its coming now: [A unique opportunity to get components for Waz’Got special module!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34466-a-unique-opportunity-to-get-components-for-wazgot-special-module/)
To have an access to 9-10 rank nodes, you need to upgrade your special module first. Since yesterday there’s a new event started to help you get the new special module for Waz’Got
Wow those who bought any ship for 50 eur (if there any) are extremely happy now
4 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:
To have an access to 9-10 rank nodes, you need to upgrade your special module first. Since yesterday there’s a new event started to help you get the new special module for Waz’Got
My computer just die yesterday so i’ll probably miss the event, I hope the drop rate is high enough
Well until rank 10 without access to the “new 9-10 rank nodes” - the Waz’Got is a weak paper tank to rank 12-15 Thar’Gas and Tai’Kins 2-3 shoot boom deaths. The autoaiming Taikin rocket-maingun-sluggs or Thar’Ga’Tok fire from TharGas is very deadly.
I have no experience with the Thaikin nor with the Tharga ships, so I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that the Waz’Got started out less op in comparison to the other 2 Ellydium ship taking into account equal ranks. What do you think?
2 hours ago, JaVi said:
Wow those who bought any ship for 50 eur (if there any) are extremely happy now
In comparison to the other 2 Ellydium ships TharGa (fighter class) and TaiKin (interceptor class), the Ellydium frigate class ship WazGot seems not to can stand 1:1 against Tharga nor Taikin
Access to the “new 9-10 rank nodes” will give you :
- one CPU passive module slot
- an extra Hull passive module slot
- missile damage +20% node -> leading to Shield resistance to all damage +20 pts node
- shield regeneration speed +30% node -> leading to Gravi-wave blueprint R7-11 node
- main weapon critical hit chance +10% -> leading to Waz’Gul weapon blueprint R8-12 node
- one ‘?’ node that will be revealed with the next phase of upgrade of WazGot, ranks 11-13
Costs to research all 8 new nodes rank 9-10 are roughly: 50 million credits, 2 million synergy, 500 xenocrystals, 300 alien composite blocks, 50 various ship node resources.