I purchased some misplaced containers. In some of them were parts of ships I currently have. By the description - those parts should be converted to monocrystals, however the count of monocrystals didn’t change.
Expected Result: surplus parts converted to monocrystals
Actual Result: no monocrystals added to player’s warehouse
Conditions: pre owned ship(s) of which parts Misplaced Container drops
Details to repro: check the amount of monocrystals, purchase misplaced container with ship components of the ship already owned, check amount of monocrystals afterwards
Frequency of occurence: always when misplaced container drop ship component of already owned ship
Time : 6:51 AM GMT+1
Logs: [logs.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11141)