Misleading loot descriptions

So, a few of us have noticed that certain items, including the ship parts needed to build Special Operations ships are supposedly available in Invasion mode.


Problem is, I’ve never found one. Nor has anyone else I’ve asked, and I’ve poked a few people who’ve clocked an insane amount of time in high-rank sectors.


I can personally confirm that Internal Structures drop in Special Operations, but not Invasion.


So, can we get some accurate descriptions in the warehouse? Stuff that clearly isn’t dropped in Invasion shouldn’t be advertised as such!





Of course, found in destroyed ships means Invasion mode. I can definitely confirm, this is a false statement, but developers are saying, that we are wrong.

If you ask me, heavily guarded convoys should have those items in their cargo hold.


There is one more thing.

I would like to ask here again to increase cargo space and voucher capacity. There is no point to play the game, if I have already reached maximum cap.


Thank you.

I’d like to find parts in mysterious containers. All I’ve been getting for the past month is CPUs, useless blueprints that I already have, and processing blocks.

And how the heck did you get so many artifacts and credits?

I’d like to find parts in mysterious containers. All I’ve been getting for the past month is CPUs, useless blueprints that I already have, and processing blocks.

And how the heck did you get so many artifacts and credits?


I played too much and now I don’t play at all.

I just collect 9 monocrystals per day. This takes 15 - 20 minutes.

I hope, that the next “major update” next week will deliver something new and profound, to keep me interested.

If not, then I have no more hope for this game, at least for myself.



 I can definitely confirm, this is a false statement, but developers are saying, that we are wrong.

So you are saying you can confirm something based on an RNG Loot-table without bringing any data/Loot-table?



So you are saying you can confirm something based on an RNG Loot-table without bringing any data/Loot-table?




I have been farming in Invasion, meaning that I killed ships over and over again and I looted everything, I came close by. I was also mapping all locations for all mysterious containers.

Yes, I can 100% confirm, that this is the case. I never got any such loot, even if it’s based on RNG. If you got any proof, that I am wrong, please present it here, without any facepalm icons.

I don’t need to bring data or loot table, if something doesn’t exist. I have nothing to show you for.

Technically the developers might be correct. Most likely, these things can be found in invasion, but only with a near nonexistant likability, say 0,0000001 percent and rest you get normal stuff. Or it is hidden in one special place that nobody found so far. Or both. 

Considering the part you are talking about have a Rank 15 level due to the fact it’s only for “Secret Project”,

Considering the part you are talking about requiere : Monocrystal / Graphic Plate / Osmium Crystal / Metal Blank / Screened Battery


Sure, this thing should have an high droprate, because what is needed to craft it do not requiere to be farmed in the standard way.

Considering the part you are talking about have a Rank 15 level due to the fact it’s only for “Secret Project”,

Considering the part you are talking about requiere : Monocrystal / Graphic Plate / Osmium Crystal / Metal Blank / Screened Battery


Sure, this thing should have an high droprate, because what is needed to craft it do not requiere to be farmed in the standard way.


We are talking about the components themselves, not the actual materials needed for those components.

It is written, that you can find whole components - ship parts for top secret projects in certain destroyed ships in Invasion or among loot.

This is simply a false statement, but developers are still claiming otherwise.

Since this is not true, they should at least remove the description, which states that those components can be found in destroyed ships in Invasion.

To my knowledge, you could only get them from Special Operation mission so far, if you are really lucky, when looting. You need to craft them otherwise. Nowhere else!



Check this:


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25464-questions-to-the-developers-of-star-conflict-december-2014/#entry303746](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25464-questions-to-the-developers-of-star-conflict-december-2014/#entry303746)


11.) Internal ship’s components for Top Secret Projects still have a description, which states, that it’s possible to get this item in the destroyed ships in the Invasion, beside getting one in the workshop, which is craftable.

Note: I’ve never encountered such an item in any of the invasion loot and I’ve spent over hundreds of hours in the Invasion.

Care to elaborate?


Their official response:


  1. Refers to the ships destroyed by you or by someone else. There you can find the necessary items.

This issue needs to get addressed immediately.

It is widely known and the developers still state the same.

They should change or remove the description, which states that you can obtain ship parts in destroyed ships in Invasion or loot.

Sure, this thing should have an high droprate, because what is needed to craft it do not requiere to be farmed in the standard way.

No one said that it should have a high drop rate. But the implicit assumption is that if you don’t find a single one after ten, twenty hours of farming mysterious containers in Invasion, that they’re either nonexistent or have such a low drop rate that it’s more likely a gamma ray will flip the right bits in the servers and credit you with an extra internal structure.

No one said that it should have a high drop rate. But the implicit assumption is that if you don’t find a single one after ten, twenty hours of farming mysterious containers in Invasion, that they’re either nonexistent or have such a low drop rate that it’s more likely a gamma ray will flip the right bits in the servers and credit you with an extra internal structure.


I have asked around in the past and not one of them states that they have ever found a ship part in loot, even players who have spent several days worth of game time in Open Space actively farming loot. The RNG’s percentage is either zero or negligible.


If the devs were more open with this kind of information, it would be a lot easier to talk about. I understand why they might not be, but considering how vital the economy is to the health of this game, some transparency may be in order here.