Misalligned texture/beam Terramorphing + Better animated sun textures

The sun seems way to static( is it even a sun)?, should be similar/ slower of this 3sn94iG.gif more ideas BkjWNQL.gif

The beam and the planet crater do not seem to be alligned







Drugs are bad for you

Drugs are bad for you

Most drugs are bad for everyone.

i guess you have never seen pictures of the sun in different color spectrums…? Watch: Cosmos: A spacetime odyssey or the older one by Carl Sagan


you guys can at least acknowledge that the skybox/universe box is misaligned with the beam.

you guys can at least acknowledge that the skybox/universe box is misaligned with the beam.

Well, that considering that crater is the result of the beam, and not a random crater. I mean, it is not that logic to terraform a planet by piercing its crust and making a big crater on it.


Most likely that beam is just doing weird science stuff to the atmosphere.


PS: well, it seems that in case a planet doesn’t have atmosphere but rich water and gases underground, you CAN terraform a planet by piercing the crust first and extracting the gases from there.

Evis’ Guide to Terraforming:

1.) Release methane gas into the atmosphere.

2.) Enjoy your newly formed hell.

the red dot on that planet is glowing as if it is suppose to be hit by the beam

Evis’ Guide to Terraforming:

1.) Release methane gas into the atmosphere.

2.) Enjoy your newly formed hell.

You know, most of the crust of a rocky planet is made of silicate oxides, so in fact, most of the gas you can get is oxigen, with traces of sulfur.


Methane is very rare underground except in organic deposits (like oil or gas, unlikely in a planet you are terraforming)

texture/beam alignment still broken in terramoprhing station

Drugs are bad for you

hahahaahah i laughed at this one hahahahaha



well i agree sun shult be moving

also the sun at teramorphing is tooo huge the planets around the system shuld have been vanisshed

also  there is so big pressure and star is so huge it shuld have white or white-blue color and super brightnesss that break your eyes hard  to be that huge

hahahaahah i laughed at this one hahahahaha



well i agree sun shult be moving

also the sun at teramorphing is tooo huge the planets around the system shuld have been vanisshed

also  there is so big pressure and star is so huge it shuld have white or white-blue color and super brightnesss that break your eyes hard  to be that huge

I’m tempted to say “nice necro” but this is the invasion subforum, and things are a bit slower here.

I don’t know what your point is on that second line

Star size and brightness are not absolutely related. Red giants are relatively dim, and white dwarves relatively bright.


But yeah, dat beam alignment. I’m fine with the sun being relatively static, but that beam honestly should be more aligned.

um yea depends on star type but im sure it wont apear like that  well i missed that case

 even if its a giant planets shuld not be that near at all  (at least)