Miracles do happen! It must be a sign!

TIL: There is a corp with the same abbreviation as the target tracking coprocessor


Well better not tell to Rennie how do we spell the abbreviation of his corp.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Illuminati

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?showtopic=26054#entry308131](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=26054#entry308131)

You’ve probably already seen the video but here is the screenshot again XD






I now believe in god.  This is truly a miracle! Halleluleluleluleah!


Did you die after this?  Also I have not seen the video… link?



Large games in T5/seccon DO exist!



Large games in T5/seccon DO exist!



It makes me happy to see this picture. I actually want to play SC now.


Also, I love how Waki AE is so nutz good that it beats out Caltrop and the R15 Premi.

It makes me happy to see this picture. I actually want to play SC now.


Also, I love how Waki AE is so nutz good that it beats out Caltrop and the R15 Premi.


Depends. The Waki-AE is so good because of the duration bonus, but I’ve actually come to enjoy flying the Storm Viking more. The range boost is just awesome.

Most Caltrop builds I’ve seen (from veteran/pro pilots) can easily rival the Waki-AE. It’s all about how you use it.


The only T5 ECM that doesn’t beat out the Karud is the regular Wakizashi, but that is up for debate

It makes me happy to see this picture. I actually want to play SC now.


Also, I love how Waki AE is so nutz good that it beats out Caltrop and the R15 Premi.

Ah, you should have seen some of the other seccon games we had. At one point, there were 3 ecms out on a 4 man team we were facing.

Depends. The Waki-AE is so good because of the duration bonus, but I’ve actually come to enjoy flying the Storm Viking more. The range boost is just awesome.

Most Caltrop builds I’ve seen (from veteran/pro pilots) can easily rival the Waki-AE. It’s all about how you use it.


The only T5 ECM that doesn’t beat out the Karud is the regular Wakizashi, but that is up for debate

What weapon do you use on your storm?

If I recall it was you who had suggested the damage reduction module was good. It is really good on an ECM LR build.


Though when push comes to shove, I feel like the slot needs to be ECM or Guard.

Guard is just such a better ship…


I will say I like the GS, ECM, Recon, Guard setup. Assuming someone else is playing an Eng…

Most premium ships bonus is 20% free premium.

There are a few in T3 that are better than the stock ships.


If you want experienced pilots out of T3 ask devs to get rid of T5.


Aside from that, those gun ships would have ground you into a pulp if they were on a rotation going back to their Eng.

So I agree miracles do happen because oddly (I really mean this), you shouldn’t be able to win in a team match where 3 people get 0 kills.

Did the one or two below this also get 0 kills?


Were you two kill hogging?! You bad piggies.

As a matter of fact i would loved to have an inge on that game but that was, well a bit too much to ask …


I’m not impressed, certainly not impressive enough to post up on the forum as some sort of leaderboard score achievement.

I’d say it was an average good day, that anyone can get when they have such low skilled, low raked, white/green modules, pilots as enemies and teammates.

I take offense of that ^^ My wolf-M is fully synergised and equiped xD

_ YO _





_ YO _



No… No… That’s not true… That’s IMPOSSIBLE!

_ YO _



Be sure to bump off any spy drones you get on you.

Lol I have a video of doing that in…a Swift mkIII XD Must be a thing with the Swifts

Best part was it was on April Fool’s day… I thought the game was playing another prank!

Best part was it was on April Fool’s day… I thought the game was playing another prank!




I think I was the only one to notice XD

I use Steam so I wouldn’t notice XD

I have found the causes of this madness…



