Minimum ping 178 since 2 weeks

Hi, i am having permanemt lag problems since about 2 weeks, before that all was perfect. My connection works as usual so i don’t know why this thing is happening. Ping in matches and also in open space is ALWAYS from 178 and up, (used to be 30-40-50 before) making it really a pain to play and enjoy. In the last 2 weeks I just log in to see if this issue is still there, and it is.

I already trying to change MTU size but the issue is the same, I also tried the Connection Tester in Sc folder, and while some days ago it was resulting in some really high ping on the “” (about 2000 ping), today the log seems fine, I am attaching it.


thx, bye

Hello Gattaccio and welcome to our forum,


I would like to invite you to read this guide first [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) Try the suggestion in this guide and if its not working, post a complete bug report.


You can view how to post a complete bug report right [here.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

