Minelayer dealing damage to self

This is working as intended, and self-damage on all missiles is in function since 0.8 nuclear winter era, when players have been abusing the tactical nuke spam, killing everyone but not themselves. You can damage yourself with all missiles if they detonate within radius, specially dangerous with the em torpedo missile. 

Missiles and coil mortars, for the record.  If they’re too close to you when you hit them a mortar you can take damage.


Remember amount of Mine fields around every beacon, god those were xxxx days

I want to forget!

No thanks, dumb Jerry LRF players are annoying enough without friendly fire.


HEY HEY I always YELL… INCOMING… to all my team mates in TS…  when I fire so they know GTF out.    

HEY HEY I always YELL… INCOMING… to all my team mates in TS… when I fire so they know GTF out.

i try to pick off fleeing ships with the torp, or use it as a finisher. This mitigates the chances of friendly fire. That and my jerry lrf are centered around use of coil machine guns

I’ll damage teammates a little if I can get a kill.  Otherwise I just let the missile fly off a little while longer.


I damage myself with guided missiles more than teammates, which is why I always carry a thermal resist mod on my Jericho LRF’s.  I still sometimes forget the missiles fire from the bottom of the ship.  :facepalm:

Icebolt cloud damage teammates in any mode.