Military Phase Modulator T2 does not respond to key press [O]

For the last couple of days I’m experiencing a problem with Military Phase Modulator T2 (green)


Many times, when someone is targetting me I can’t enable this mod - at first I thought that’s some tackler or ecm doing, but no, without any other debuffs on me, the keybind (1 as default) is just not responding. Mod does not start to work, neither cooldown starts, It’s jsut dead. When I’m not targetted mod works fine.

Please follow the report [guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/).

Move it to another slot, maybe your key is broken. :wink:

The most likely scenario is that a Recon Interceptor on the other team hit you with their Spy Drones active module. Spy drones seem to stop ships from activating their Phase Modulators.


The funny thing is, if you’re in a Tackler and you activate your ODG “Chameleon” special module while being debuffed by Spy Drones, the cooldown will start, but you won’t actually become invisible. It will effectively cancel the effects of the module without blocking you from activating it.

Well he said he had no debuffs on him. Spy drone is a debuff. As would be a micro-locator having the same effect.

Also getting this bug, rather often. No visibility debuffs either. In most cases it’s some seconds right after spawn that it will just refuse to activate.

Also getting this bug, rather often. No visibility debuffs either. In most cases it’s some seconds right after spawn that it will just refuse to activate.

Spawn invulnerability prevents use of that module. You need to wait the 10 seconds for the spawn invulnerability buff to end. Not sure if a bug or working as intended but it’s the only stealth/camo mod that is limited in that way.

Its also the only one that lasts for less than the respawn invulnerability. I would guess its working as intended there, and if its not, I wouldnt want it fixed anyhow as its beneficial to us as a player.

Still happens lots of times in mid-battle tho. True, while spawn invu is active there’s no need for it. But there are cases of it being jammed at random.

Ive found sometimes your just hitting the edge of a micro locator as well, or you just left it… Ill fly my recon some tonight and see if theres an issue with it. I do know that I keep my phase modulator on my 4 key and sometimes my 4 key doesnt work though, its just an old keyboard though. Most of my letters are worn off… lol. If I see a problem still, ill submit my logs so noone else will need to worry about doing so.

True, while spawn invu is active there’s no need for it.

Sure there is. You can be locked up and followed while invulnerable. So those two ECM following you around from your spawn, having you locked up and spamming their stasis key will most likely hit you with it before you can eventually cloak, and then that octopus volley that was already fired while you were still invulnerable will hit you moments later. And that’s just one scenario.

As I had previously posted before it got deleted, this is not beneficial to the recon player.

I knew i missed something. Dunno why but i had only the ‘charge-warp-to-enemy-cap’ scenario only in my head for some reason. Or to a beacon.

Same reasoning could apply for the charge warp scenario though - although more in the charge warp to LRF case since you probably won’t escape in CR anyway ;). Not on a beacon of course because you cannot cap while phased.

I will find out if this is a bug, or working as intended at this point and respond back here when I get a response on it.