Micro-locator issue in Open Space

Bug report:


What happened?

In Open Space, friendly or neutral Explorer bots (Interceptor Class, Role: Recon) will uncloak your ship, Tackler, if in range of a Micro-locator. Same goes for yellow or neutral players in Open Space.


What do you expect to happen?

I expect, that only enemy/hostile Explorer bots will uncloak you, if they deploy a Micro-locator.

Same goes for enemy/hostile players. Unless, if you are attacked beforehand, their Micro-locator should not affect your invisibility of your (Fighter Class, Role: Tackler) ship.

It is currently unknown, if a friendly Micro-locator can uncloak someone’s Tackler on the same/friendly/allied team.


How to reproduce this issue?

1.) Enter Open Space mode with station protection disabled.

2.) Have a friend a with you with his station protection disabled as well.

3.) One of you should deploy a Micro-locator in a Recon.

4.) That person becomes a Criminal.

5.) Self-Destruct or engage the target.

6.)Criminal gets killed or haunted by the Military Police.

7.)Search for Explorer bots in Neutral rank 10 danger sector (Smugglers Hideout - Federation, rank 10) and cloak with your Tackler, while approaching them, especially if they had deployed their Micro-locators.


I replicated those steps on my own, but on bots only.


Logs: (check the time stamps: 16:03 aka 4:03pm onward)

Time zone: UTC+1


[2016.06.12 15.42.22.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11217)

Either the microlocator shouldn’t uncloak or they should becoming automatically hostile to you to free kill them.

Wanted to report this issue as well as it’s annoying. Every other negative thing(target painter, spy container) make you automatically hostile.

Especially those explorers a) spam them and b) uncloaking you/disabling cloaking ability is annoying.


In the open space your group memebers is your friends only. All other ships don’t have friendly status.

Not a bug.

In the open space your group memebers is your friends only. All other ships don’t have friendly status.

Not a bug.

So, if I accidentally get into its radius and I get killed or self-destruct, then author of that module will get responsible?

Sounds familiar. It’s a feature, then.

In the open space your group memebers is your friends only. All other ships don’t have friendly status.

Not a bug.

Then make them automatically hostile to you to let us free kill them.

It is more of a pain than anything else when you drop a locator and some random pilot waltzes through it’s radius. You get aggro for the time they are in it’s effect, and if they or another bot dies, you get criminal status. Just lost some gut loot because of this issue. Cops got me because an Ellydium turret was under the influence of my ML for the .2 second before it was destroyed by a predator.

Lol a turret under the influence of micro locator…yep need to reveal the location of a massive turret station!

23 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Lol a turret under the influence of micro locator…yep need to reveal the location of a massive turret station!

Open Space needs a complete rework. Some mechanics are just ridiculous.