medal "you can't hide"

get too many medal (“you can’t hide”) at once by disabling tackler from invisibility, while I use mass driver on a frigate…

*7 at once(one game a recalled)… I don’t know why it occurs… but most likely because that medal triggered via each bullet hit on target that currently cloaked… and since I boost mass driver rpm to about 260…

not really sure about this one—>… sometimes I get medal(many of them)… even the target still cloaked without it’s being disabled… [or it might be just outside my sight range…]

It is a known bug that got already reported in the Text section.


Yep you get this medal every time you hit a cloaked enemy, I get sometimes a spam of around 50 medals and moremore (lazors ftw) and collected since the last patch 1000 medals ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

B0C.jpgthat’s not considered exploiting bugs?..


I don’t wanna get banned here…

It happens and you cannot avoid it during basic gameplay, so it’s not exploiting bugs ;p I somehow got 163 in a match and I’m pretty sure I only decloaked a tackler once and maybe hit a cov ops that was camo. No idea if microlocators also set it off

You can’t hide!!!

Of course I can! I just spam your entire screen with medal+text!! /roflmao

2 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

It happens and you cannot avoid it during basic gameplay, so it’s not exploiting bugs ;p I somehow got 163 in a match and I’m pretty sure I only decloaked a tackler once and maybe hit a cov ops that was camo. No idea if microlocators also set it off

You can avoid it by pressing twice alt+h (quickly as possible so you dont miss much when the hud is off). Its sad i had so many of those medals related to the games ive played…now its a void number.

Solition: ignore tacklers altogether. Just let them fly on my without a second thought. That can’t possibly have any down-sides.

Not allowed to do that, that’s refusing to deal damage to the enemy as well has helping the enemy team :stuck_out_tongue:

The bug was reported already and we’re working on it