Maximum ping you have ever had?

I just had this ping earlier on:




Yes I’m playing on a sh*tty hotel WIFI on my laptop, that is why I tested a PVE before doing any PVP!  I’m not complaining about the game servers (although sometimes they annoy me).


So anyone can beat this record?


Edit: notice my WTF in chat when ping reached 10k, and then it just kept increasing, with me print screening all the while  :crazy:

also notice my ship flying upside down…

once i hit 26000 before dropping down to 10000 and then disconnecting.


yesterday i reached 78% packet loss in my daily pve without being disconnected



Weirdly, it did not DC me, just took a hell of a long time to go back down to 0.  Also weirdly, i got very little packet loss while this occured

lol alex


you dc if you have above 1000 ping for over 3-4 seconds, 


pings above that is just ridicules. ppl with 140 kb download speed would get 300-500 ping. so cant imagine how bad this is. 

lol alex


you dc if you have above 1000 ping for over 3-4 seconds, 


pings above that is just ridicules. ppl with 140 kb download speed would get 300-500 ping. so cant imagine how bad this is. 

ikr, and yet the wifi says I have 48 Kbits/sec

The same like you,sometime get over 9000 and less than 10000 in USA and Russia server lol,over 20000 in Europe  :facepalm: .

Pfft, 162k ping, insta d/c. Joined another game on the same server then had 80 something ping. From another game I play.

Pfft I get high ping and I’m not even on a computer.

Only around 1600 ping max, which is when I wasn’t home.