Max Object Number , Launch Energy Cost, Cooldown time

What does Max Object Number , Launch Energy Cost, and Cooldown time means? Are we gonna have a SLG tournment mode where each team select a Commander to lead the entire battle (Spectate mode only), to deploy ships that uses launch energy from finite amount of total energy, cooldown time to launch the next ship, and max object number to limit the quantity of the same ship can be spawn during a battle?


lol out of all people I’d expect you’d know this. The different things here are all for the secondary weapon. Cooldown is 3 seconds, you can only deploy 2 shields/drones at a time, and the deployment cost for each drone/shield is 550pts of energy.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

lol out of all people I’d expect you’d know this. The different things here are all for the secondary weapon. Cooldown is 3 seconds, you can only deploy 2 shields/drones at a time, and the deployment cost for each drone/shield is 550pts of energy.

Okay I’m thinking too much xD Thanks for the clarification, but my imagined idea is not a bad game mode too :3

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

Okay I’m thinking too much xD Thanks for the clarification, but my imagined idea is not a bad game mode too :3

Yeah it would be pretty cool.


omg milf…xDD
