Max material capacity per day (Elect, bery, neo etc)

So, by now (5 days in a row) my max cap is 13, elect, neo bery etc, while others players say that have a xap of 19-23, I have few R15 ships, all factions T5, many at max syner etc, so why im the only one with such a low max cap? is there a way to rise it? (all mods, from PvP, PvE and Co Op, using premium +1 loot from pack). Also will I be able to get those ores from open space even if I hit my cap? (I can still get monos and Iridium even when I hit my max cap)


Devs say you have no cap for neo/berry. According to niripas tests, chance drops gradually. I dont know much about it being honest. What i do know is that many players have obtained over 24 electrum per day (some say theyve got more…even 100)…the max ive got has been near 20 or so, always getting at least 1 electrum per game. I suggest playing PVE (fire support R9) or coop, both are good options and will take you little time if you do it well. And obtaning neo/berry in trophy search does not affect your drop chances at OS. Ive only farmed electrum, so i cant tell if that affects neo/berry drop (it shouldnt). Hopefully someone with more knowledge about this replies here ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

31 minutes ago, Papitas said:

Devs say you have no cap for neo/berry. According to niripas tests, chance drops gradually. I dont know much about it being honest. What i do know is that many players have obtained over 24 electrum per day (some say theyve got more…even 100)…the max ive got has been near 20 or so, always getting at least 1 electrum per game. I suggest playing PVE (fire support R9) or coop, both are good options and will take you little time if you do it well. And obtaning neo/berry in trophy search does not affect your drop chances at OS. Ive only farmed electrum, so i cant tell if that affects neo/berry drop (it shouldnt). Hopefully someone with more knowledge about this replies here ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

All 4 ship need to be maxed right?

Just now, EndeavSTEEL said:

All 4 ship need to be maxed right?

No, with only one max ship u can get mats, he sugested r9 = elect farm, but with 4 u have higher chance

1 minute ago, NPower said:

No, with only one max ship u can get mats, he sugested r9 = elect farm, but with 4 u have higher chance

I get all 4 ships, just wanted to be sure ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Just now, Papitas said:

Devs say you have no cap for neo/berry. According to niripas tests, chance drops gradually. I dont know much about it being honest. What i do know is that many players have obtained over 24 electrum per day (some say theyve got more…even 100)…the max ive got has been near 20 or so, always getting at least 1 electrum per game. I suggest playing PVE (fire support R9) or coop, both are good options and will take you little time if you do it well. And obtaning neo/berry in trophy search does not affect your drop chances at OS. Ive only farmed electrum, so i cant tell if that affects neo/berry drop (it shouldnt). Hopefully someone with more knowledge about this replies here ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Im my tests, getting bery and neo do lower the drop rate of both and elect then, since 30 games in a row with +3 loot without droping a single ore I call cap 

And apparently the electrum drop rate is very high compared to other materials. And when compared against premium parts I get around 8-10 electrum ore per premium ship part and that is madness.


Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

And apparently the electrum drop rate is very high compared to other materials. And when compared against premium parts I get around 8-10 electrum ore per premium ship part and that is madness.


Yes, elect still have a good drop rate, but most new players dont need it, need neo and bery

30,000 credits per ore is pretty good tho.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

30,000 credits per ore is pretty good tho.

Ah… I was getting 800,000 per T5 PvE run (around 6min), I do need those for dessi parts

Talked to a Dev and he said that there is no max cap, yet, guess what was my limit today? 13… so, or there is a cap and they dont want to tell to avoid rage or the drop rate is so damn low that its not worth

Well, sort of cap. There usually is a gap before it starts dropping again. I’ve never been that determined to get there tho.

I played 5 PVE today, got 0 electrum. Something changed for sure (either cap or drop chance).

34 minutes ago, Papitas said:

I played 5 PVE today, got 0 electrum. Something changed for sure (either cap or drop chance).

I got many today, like 20

Or maybe not. I’m not sure at all in fact x)

7 hours ago, Papitas said:

I played 5 PVE today, got 0 electrum. Something changed for sure (either cap or drop chance).

People im my corp said that most have new “cap” of 10 now, I manage to get 12 ores (not elect) but from 11 to 12 took me about 22 battles co op and 10 PvE R11 with 4 max ship (remember that I have premium that gives +2 loot and a pack that give +1 loot) so yeah, they nerfed drop rate AGAIN, lowered the threshold for loot drop rate (once you hit around 10 units, it become very hard to drop something), they are trying to milk players even more, thats just sad

Edit 01: I notice that iridirum and ship parts drop rate lower as well (but I can still find way more often than ores) when I hit my “cap”