Mauler Builds

I’d like to see your Mahler builds and accompanying videos. If I see a build that gets more than 20 kills, I’ll post my build.

1 hour ago, Ch8rub1m said:

If I see a build that gets more than 20 kills, I’ll post my build.

Ego much?

2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Ego much?


I want to protect my build. It works exceptionally well and I want to see a build better than mine if I give mine away.

54 minutes ago, Ch8rub1m said:


I want to protect my build. It works exceptionally well and I want to see a build better than mine if I give mine away.

So why should anyone post a build here if you only want to show yours when it is proven to be inferior?

Getting 20+ kills depends mostly on the enemy players and/or how wiiling you are to abuse stuff. It doesnt depend as much on a super good build.

8 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

Getting 20+ kills depends mostly on the enemy players and/or how wiiling you are to abuse stuff. It doesnt depend as much on a super good build.

What he said ^

it’s how much time do you invest, killstealing with a positron cannon…

2 hours ago, John161 said:

So why should anyone post a build here if you only want to show yours when it is proven to be inferior?


Someone getting 20 kills doesn’t serve to make my build inferior. Someone getting 20 kills serves as a benchmark.


EDIT: I should’ve worded my first response better. Sorry


1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

What he said ^

it’s how much time do you invest, killstealing with a positron cannon…


I don’t killsteal on purpose because that’s a jerk move. Waiting for someone else to do the work for me takes too long. The only time I target a low-health enemy is when it’ll hit multiple enemies or if it’s a dodgy interceptor.


Enough of this judgemental stuff. I’d like to see some builds even if they aren’t as effective.