
Jesus.  Seriously?  That just SOUNDS like you’re trying to screw whoever that “weaker pilot” is…


I mean, who wants to play in a squad with better people anyways, amirite?  Imo, it’s just stupid to think that you’ll get a better match by disregarding the fact that there MIGHT be a pilot in a squad that’s not as good as the rest of the squad.  So yeah, go ahead and throw that 4 person squad with 3 good players and 1 bad player into a match!  Make that squad fail because that fourth person can’t even live long enough to help out his comrades, and there ya go.  A lost match.  So if the MM saw this and knew it, then wow.  More power to you for calculating out the progression of that battle…but my guess is that it doesn’t work THAT well.



Yes, it does not work at all. Do this, and you will get screwed every time. 

IMO, I think matchmaker should not mix the ship tiers.


I fly some T2 highest ships (Deimos II / Alligator - M / FOX - M) but I tend to bring only One of them with rank 4 ships to avoid having to encounter T3 pilots.


I agree that at a higher “Skill level” rating, I should encounter stronger opponents, but T3 has access to tech T2 can’t.


I mean, I got Ganged up by 2 ECMs and a frigate recently in detonation.


Two of them were T3 entry level with T3 exclusive modules ( died to a missile rain from the frig ).


I belive that it has something to do with my purple modules (3 on my alligator), but still… I use a lot of MK2, vouchers are not easy to earn.


My average W/L ratio is oscillating between 1.3 and 1.4 and I’ve just above 1100 ranking points…


should I try to voluntarly suicide my games and lessen my W/L ratio to match less Mixed-tiers matches ?

Last night we had a beautiful Domination Match, 8v8. It was pretty even (something rare) except for a little detail, we had 2 pilots with T1 lineup. Yeah, one of them disconnected just as the match started, the other one ended with 300 points. We almost won, but in the end it was to hard to mantain the last beacon against a full assault and we lost.

I will never stop saying that if the developers don’t want to make fixed tiers, at least make PROHIBITIONS IN THE SHIPS YOU BRING, I’m tired of seeing mixed lineups or people bringing T1 pilots in squad to a T3/4 match. Do the same as PvE/Custom Battle: “You can’t join the battle due X pilot has WRONG ships”.

Last night we had a beautiful Domination Match, 8v8. It was pretty even (something rare) except for a little detail, we had 2 pilots with T1 lineup. Yeah, one of them disconnected just as the match started, the other one ended with 300 points. We almost won, but in the end it was to hard to mantain the last beacon against a full assault and we lost.

I will never stop saying that if the developers don’t want to make fixed tiers, at least make PROHIBITIONS IN THE SHIPS YOU BRING, I’m tired of seeing mixed lineups or people bringing T1 pilots in squad to a T3/4 match. Do the same as PvE/Custom Battle: “You can’t join the battle due X pilot has WRONG ships”.


Or at least, determine which tier the player will be bound to by the higher ranked ship in his loadout.


If he has 1 T1 , 1 T2 and 1 T3, the player will be moved into a T3 match and not lower, where he could benefit from his advanced modules other don’t have  (tech disparity / ship polyvalence and advanced abilities)


Then, put him in a team with same average “Skill rating” ratio (1100 ± 50 for example) inside the said tier…



That would balance lower tiers (T1/T2 and T2/T3) Problem being that T4/T5 may be harder to balance, given less people went so far in the game…



I think “Skill meter” could be bound to 1 tier, making everyone has separated stats for each Tier they play.


for example, you’ll start in T1 at 800 Rank points

then you move in T2 and play a long time. You are at 1100 points and decide to level up some additional T1 ships


If you go back to T1, You’ll still be MM with your old 800 rank points, but it will increase faster as you’ll be over the top for a little while.


Win streaks would increase the Ranking points you win each time, making you reach your actual level faster and play with players at the same level again, but inside the same Tier.


Then, When you reach T3, you have a minimal amount of points, making your first matches easier if you’re good, but your progression way faster (as you didn’t take part to many T3 encounters, your Ranking points and W/L ratio will grow up faster)


So your stats are : 


T1 = 800 Ranking points

T2 = 1100 Ranking points




T1 = 1170 Ranking points (as you got better)

T2 = 1100 Ranking points


Not sure if I’m clear, I’ll try to make some Schemas to illustrate.

Didn’t read, you’re talking about something else. I’m talking about forbidding T1 ships in T3 or T4 matches. I mean, don’t let people bring “friends” with T1 ships into their squad that’s obviously going to T3.

Didn’t read, you’re talking about something else. I’m talking about forbidding T1 ships in T3 or T4 matches. I mean, don’t let people bring “friends” with T1 ships into their squad that’s obviously going to T3.


Well, as they are disadvantaged by bringing low ships in higher tiers, I think they could think twice before doing so, but it’s their own problem, isn’t it ?


And T4 players can easiliy use lower ships when they play with friends…


If players are silly enough to play with friends on games of a far higher level compared to theirs, maybe they deserve to get a hard lesson…

Do the same as PvE/Custom Battle: “You can’t join the battle due X pilot has WRONG ships”.

^ This.  +1.  I would say that, along with a filter that screened out ship ranks that were in the next tier.  For instance, an R4 ship has a chance to battle R2-R6, if I understand their mechanism correctly.  Well, obviously, R2/3 are still T1 ships, and this creates the annoying tier mixing that we’re seeing.  What if it went through the same tier, but if the bounds crossed between tiers, the MM just looks at synergy levels of ships and matches accordingly. 


This would make an R4 ship fight (potentially lower synergy) ships from R4-6, as this is still T2.  Essentially, this cuts out the bleed between tiers while simultaneously matching players based on what tier THEY are in and what synergy levels would be a best fit.


I think that with this model, we will see much more balanced matches and less frustration overall.

my average W/L ratio is oscillating between 1.3 and 1.4 and I’ve just above 1100 ranking points…


should I try to voluntarly suicide my games and lessen my W/L ratio to match less Mixed-tiers matches ?

Not unless your DSR gets above 1250 does it start to affect matchmaker ranking, although the devs have been fuzzy about how teams are divided up.  The W/L ratio is only the last eight games I believe, so a high historical W/L ratio shouldn’t affect anything.


Maybe 0.9.11 will improve things, the devs did a lot of polls about MM.

Last time the devs polled matchmaking they decided the majority of players didn’t vote the right way, and ignored them.

Don’t expect those recent polls to be anything more than an attempt by the devs to “prove” to us that the silent (read: non-existent) majority like their current system.

If you look at the dev blog they actually listened to the polls, now squading doesn’t mean you’re put in higher tier anymore (next thursday :()

If you look at the dev blog they actually listened to the polls, now squading doesn’t mean you’re put in higher tier anymore (next thursday :()




And Corps now only should start Sector conquest with T5 ships but can try with T2 ships …



Last time the devs polled matchmaking they decided the majority of players didn’t vote the right way, and ignored them.

Don’t expect those recent polls to be anything more than an attempt by the devs to “prove” to us that the silent (read: non-existent) majority like their current system.


Maybe making the polls only available to forumers would help to get an active community feedback ?


I mean… I already answered a poll (blame me, you can) without taking time to read it, just to get the 10 ish free credits it gives…


Players run the game to play.


If they want to discuss about the game, Forums exists.


At least, It’s not as horrible as Planetside2’s official forums, where you get so little feedback and mostly see “nerf / whine” threads…



In those forums, there are much more constructive discussions, but almost nothing is moved to the game (even if some devs agree with some ideas)…

corps players can also play the “normal” game. It’s purely the choice of the player.

 MIXED TIERS…    I thikn I am being PUNISHED      If I go SOLO and place all level 6 ships in my line up… MM places me into level 5-8


If I am forced into Level 5-8 WHY CAN"T I EARN 30% the highest LEVEL I am placed into ?


If I place Level 9 ships as SOLO   I am placed into level 8-11  yet I only get 30% why not the 35% ?


If you are placed into battle against higher ranked ships you should get the same credits the highest ship gets…


Improved ship profitability (in credits):
By 25% for ranks 4-6
By 30% for ranks 7-9
By 35% for ranks 10-15
Increased synergy gain rates:
By 20% for ranks 8-10
By 30% for ranks 11-12
By 40% for ranks 13-15

The first post is very old. Can a Developer please update the First posting with all the changes that were made since then?


Thank You.

IMO, I think matchmaker should not mix the ship tiers.


I fly some T2 highest ships (Deimos II / Alligator - M / FOX - M) but I tend to bring only One of them with rank 4 ships to avoid having to encounter T3 pilots.


I agree that at a higher “Skill level” rating, I should encounter stronger opponents, but T3 has access to tech T2 can’t.


I mean, I got Ganged up by 2 ECMs and a frigate recently in detonation.


Two of them were T3 entry level with T3 exclusive modules ( died to a missile rain from the frig ).


I belive that it has something to do with my purple modules (3 on my alligator), but still… I use a lot of MK2, vouchers are not easy to earn.


My average W/L ratio is oscillating between 1.3 and 1.4 and I’ve just above 1100 ranking points…


should I try to voluntarly suicide my games and lessen my W/L ratio to match less Mixed-tiers matches ?


Thats exactly what i hate about this mixing tiers, i wouldnt complain for example, if i was able to equip lasors in my tackler T1 to fight T2’s, or if i could fit shield hardeners on jerry T1 guards to fight T2, or equip coils on them, but no, in the current design, we are forced to fight ships with better atributes, and access to modules that lower tiers cant even dream of.

you know what’s bad. If this game came out now, I would have probably would have quit, casue its literally that dumb for the lower tiers. I feel sorry for them. 

_ Ok to put my few dented pennies to the pot. If putting one more person in a squad and then just limiting it to two up or two down would not be just too simple. Just put it all back to the 3 person squad so we can all fly with our Squad mates/friends and take this one thing off the table of the issues we have at the moment. And then Really look at the Map and think of how much attention is being paid to Sector Quest. I do believe this may be one of the major factors driving the big problems for all of the levels of pilots. _

_   Just return it to before the 4 pilot squad and lets seee if it does change. I really do think it will. And just let the ships determine what the squads are plain out. Not RANK/ If it is a T-3 then all T-3 if he has four slots and 3 have t-2’s and one is a t-3 guess what he is going with T-3’s _

_ Just that plain and simple. This way there is no manipulation of schmatics and T-4’s showing up in T-3 matches. Its fine its fun but its also insane at times also. Thanks for your time. _

_ BEASTWITHIN66 :bomber: _

_ Ok to put my few dented pennies to the pot. If putting one more person in a squad and then just limiting it to two up or two down would not be just too simple. Just put it all back to the 3 person squad so we can all fly with our Squad mates/friends and take this one thing off the table of the issues we have at the moment. And then Really look at the Map and think of how much attention is being paid to Sector Quest. I do believe this may be one of the major factors driving the big problems for all of the levels of pilots. _

_   Just return it to before the 4 pilot squad and lets seee if it does change. I really do think it will. And just let the ships determine what the squads are plain out. Not RANK/ If it is a T-3 then all T-3 if he has four slots and 3 have t-2’s and one is a t-3 guess what he is going with T-3’s _

_ Just that plain and simple. This way there is no manipulation of schmatics and T-4’s showing up in T-3 matches. Its fine its fun but its also insane at times also. Thanks for your time. _

_ BEASTWITHIN66 :bomber: _

every single time you write in a some annoying font with some annoying colour, seriously dude, stop it. Most of us don’t even read your posts because it hurts

Ok to put my few dented pennies to the pot. If putting one more person in a squad and then just limiting it to two up or two down would not be just too simple. Just put it all back to the 3 person squad so we can all fly with our Squad mates/friends and take this one thing off the table of the issues we have at the moment. And then Really look at the Map and think of how much attention is being paid to Sector Quest. I do believe this may be one of the major factors driving the big problems for all of the levels of pilots.

_   Just return it to before the 4 pilot squad and lets seee if it does change. I really do think it will. And just let the ships determine what the squads are plain out. Not RANK/ If it is a T-3 then all T-3 if he has four slots and 3 have t-2’s and one is a t-3 guess what he is going with T-3’s _

_ Just that plain and simple. This way there is no manipulation of schmatics and T-4’s showing up in T-3 matches. Its fine its fun but its also insane at times also. Thanks for your time. _

_ BEASTWITHIN66 :bomber: _

My eyes are bleeding right now. Can you cut it out with the awful font and color? Thanks.

Someone moderate that rainbow and make it readable please.