Matchmaking ninja change or bug?

Not too sure where to post this…


Anyway, notice anything peculiar about this match? (this was today btw, not from a previous patch)



I’m not saying it’s a bad thing :slight_smile:

i had a 4v2 earlier lol

i had a 4v2 earlier lol


Ouch so it seems like a bug then

Great…perfect i stay away until that part will been working on and fixed by any chance

Squad players are still complaining about wait times, so we keep tweaking the system.

Squad players are still complaining about wait times, so we keep tweaking the system.

Good thing! :slight_smile:

But 4 men squad shouldn’t face a single 2 squad:

4 vs 3 or

4 vs 2+2.

And please try for a while bigger matches than 5vs5 in t5 ^^ (8vs8 maybe?) 

We have the numbers, i know that!

YES! I’d love it if we had 3v2, 4v3 etc again! 4v2 not that cool tho. 

YES! I’d love it if we had 3v2, 4v3 etc again! 4v2 not that cool tho. 

4v3 was never removed. 3V2 is ok, even 4v2.


What we need to return is 2 vs randoms. That was awesome, lots and lost of people played in squads, and it was not that bad balance wise.

When in a 4v2 situation MM will put stronger solo players in the 2 squad team and weaker solo players in the 4 squad team.

Would be nice if constructive feedback is given and not free whining about MM.

When in a 4v2 situation MM will put stronger solo players in the 2 squad team and weaker solo players in the 4 squad team.

Would be nice if constructive feedback is given and not free whining about MM.

Would be even nicer if we were told how the damn matchmaker works and notified of changes so that people don’t assume things like this are bugs.

Squad players are still complaining about wait times, so we keep tweaking the system.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I was pleasantly surprised actually! I was just wondering why nothing was mentioned in the patch notes.

3v2 is cool and this natch turned out to be balanced, 2v1+1 or 4v2+2 is a bit more difficult because two people working together is a lot better thab two people solo, as is 4 people working together.

Nice change!

When in a 4v2 situation MM will put stronger solo players in the 2 squad team and weaker solo players in the 4 squad team.

Would be nice if constructive feedback is given and not free whining about MM.


What constitutes\defines a Weak solo player vs Stronger solo player ?   Inquistive minds would like to know

What constitutes\defines a Weak solo player vs Stronger solo player ?   Inquistive minds would like to know


I’d say the stats you can see on your profile, but I’m just guessing it.

I’d say the stats you can see on your profile, but I’m just guessing it.


Which stats? 'cause right now the new skill rating is useless in t4\5

Which stats? 'cause right now the new skill rating is useless in t4\5


W/L ratio or even average kills and assists. That’s how I’d do it though.

W/L ratio or even average kills and assists. That’s how I’d do it though.


Well many people may have W/L ratio for playing SOLO for the longest… and when you have as tons of games … it will not change much at all…


Kills AND assists may depends if you play are a support vice a front action type player.  


You would think though that if MM would consider you on the weaker end of the scale… you would at least find yourself on the Strong team side…


but hey okay…

A strong player has good sportsmanship and focuses on objects.

W/L ratio never changes if you have played many, many games. This guy in my signature was bragging about his high W/L ratio when he had created an Alternate Account to get it. Therefore, W/L ratio means nothing, at least to me.

Averages kill and assists almost never change unless you get 15+ kills consistently per game. That can be construed as skill but what does that mean about objective playing?

A good high Win ratio shows you have been playing many times more in a squad team then alone, if your that type of person that choose to soloing all the way, all the time, you are force to always lose more then winning in matches.


A Squad almost unstoppable in some cases.  :001j:

A good high Win ratio shows you have been playing many times more in a squad team then alone, if your that type of person that choose to soloing all the way, all the time, you are force to always lose more then winning in matches.


Often this is true, but not always