Matchmaking in a nutshell

you can insta-buy a T4 ship, too

Not T4.  You have to reach R9 of that faction to access the T4 premiums.  The T3 insta-buys are DLC.


I will blame match maker on this one.  I’ve had too many times I’ve gone from large matches, to small matches, to large matches.  I think sometimes MM just switches it up a little bit to give something other than 12v12 matches.


Farming him wouldn’t have helped, he had no experience and wouldn’t have known he was way outmatched.  If it was a regular T3 premium, he would have at least gotten a rush line of T2 and has some experience even if not skill.  At first impression of the game, T3 is better ships, not a different tier of gameplay.  The guy with a T4 and T2’s loaded and all of the same type, he still needs to learn the game.


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[screenshot-131008-234119.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=6874)


Me as captain - head on combat with them, didn’t even wait for a tactical approach. Didn’t even come close to death as their main target.


PS: or that one time i get paired with bots in 1v1 with a guy with 900 DSR and less than 300 matches… He was T2, me T3.

Keep that up and squads will get nerfed to pairs.

I think the big issue here, is that the game allowed a first time player to go into a T3 match. It doesn’t matter what ships you bought with cash- there should be some other calculation, quest, etc that prevents someone in their first 20 games to be matched with someone way above them.


This makes me think that again there’s a call for a better system that judges players. Even if it ranked users based on the /average/ tier of ships int he hangar, it would have plopped them in T2 and things would be slightly less mismatched.

New players should not be able to use T3 Premium ships or T2 for that matter UNTIL they reach that Tier ( or at least get within 2-3 ranks of that ship). Allowing new players to buy DLCs thinking they are jumping ahead of everyone, and then then allowing them to use them in a T3 match to get totally stomped is BAAAAAD game design. Yeah you got his money for the DLC, BUT you might have just scared off a potential long term customer.

[Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20786-matchmaking/)you go.