Matchmaking FTW!




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oooh nice picture! What does nice pic tell us?

Just now, theNoob said:

oooh nice picture! What does nice pic tell us?

Bad news mostly and sloppy work of someone in terms of coding something…

6 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Bad news mostly and sloppy work of someone in terms of coding something…

Or because they are playing CtB on normal PvP?

But wait,unlike everyone else,I’m reading the patch notes…

xD Such *** of single ship user dessy.
Not to mention the r4 ship user. o.o
Could he even use that ship?
This should be blocked from the begin or otherwise penalized(like Koromac’s suggestion)…

Just for testing, I see r8 destroyers in T1 team battle as well, took me 2 hours to get a battle.

57 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

Just for testing, I see r8 destroyers in T1 team battle as well, took me 2 hours to get a battle.


T1 doesn’t exist.

Or do you meaning R1-R5?

1 hour ago, Lord_Xenon said:


T1 doesn’t exist.

Or do you meaning R1-R5?

Hush you. Tiers will always be a thing. They are built in to the code. Devs are just screwing around at this point.

2 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:


T1 doesn’t exist.

Or do you meaning R1-R5?

You obviously haven’t played this game long enough to refer to R1-R3 as T1.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

Hush you. Tiers will always be a thing. They are built in to the code. Devs are just screwing around at this point.



3 r8 destoryers on each side in T1 battle, seems legit, how to scare newbie 101, size do matter. Also there’s ton of T4 bot in battle as well? That moment when u using r1-r5 modules and bots are using r12-r14 modules.

I maybe ripped to many r5+ ships to get scattered with their destroyed hulls in my head, so please explain it in an easy way.
Real R1-R3 player are fighting against
real R8+ player(destroyer stuff and so)?
Wth. o.o
But who cares? We(SC) don’t need newbies!
Grind or die!

Lol yeah some guy was complaining in chat about losing 5 times in a row with his Palom in pvp, so I entered and got into an instant match as shown above :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah I figured out why he was annoyed as the level of ships is very much higher than I expected. They are bad versions of those ships but still seems to depend more on how well the bots do rather than how well the one or two human players would do, especially in their not full purple, not rank 5 disguised as rank 3 premium, ships :slight_smile: