Matchmaking fixed?

So matchmaking “fixed” the T4 vs T5 problem.  Then I just had this game.




Of course there’s the issue of rankings, etc.  Each of the NASA players picked T4.  I checked as quick as I could while still staying in the battle, notice that recon there.  In any case, the only T4 ships were NASA.  Seriously, what the xxxx?

They made it “less likely” for T4 to be matched with T5.

But rather than do a good job and fix it properly, they just made T4 more likely to turn up in T3 instead.

I started playing again after my holydays and the few games I played (3 or 4) were every single one like 50% of each team t4 and the other 50% t3, how stupid… 

If it were on both teams, I could understand matchmaker.  I didn’t see any T4 ships on my team.

I heard from the Gecko that the devs want to acvhieve a final result of mixing all tiers in a battle. Sure, it can work in a 100v100 or open-world, but in a 12v12 creates a MASSIVE difference in balance between having a T1 in your team and a T5 in the other…

Today, i thought to myself, heey you have been in T2 long enough lets hop on to T3 and see what it is like, … got my first rank7 ship. and off we go…

BEHOLD rank 11, 10 on the enemy team… no problem i can take them this game is all about skills right? right?.. BAAAAM 2 hit shotted down, ok no problem lets wait for respawn…BAAAOOOM…etc

no problem maybe it was one time thing, launch again…BEHOLD all Tier 4 on both teams this time… flying around feeling like an idiot, match ended… closed the game.



TLDR version?  i wil give this game untill the next update/patch, if the match making wasnt made into “SAME TIER ONLY”  then bye bye, it is not fun and it is a waste of time.

Today, i thought to myself, heey you have been in T2 long enough lets hop on to T3 and see what it is like, … got my first rank7 ship. and off we go…

BEHOLD rank 11, 10 on the enemy team… no problem i can take them this game is all about skills right? right?.. BAAAAM 2 hit shotted down, ok no problem lets wait for respawn…BAAAOOOM…etc

no problem maybe it was one time thing, launch again…BEHOLD all Tier 4 on both teams this time… flying around feeling like an idiot, match ended… closed the game.



TLDR version?  i wil give this game untill the next update/patch, if the match making wasnt made into “SAME TIER ONLY”  then bye bye, it is not fun and it is a waste of time.

This is so true. Had exactly the same scenario as every other pilot i know. To add something else to the post above, I bought GS to use my T2 elite to gather synergy so I could level up faster and stand a chance… other team was full of ships 3 lvls above mine all the time and result was the same. So I spent time and money trying to get things leveled on my side but that didn’t work either and it’s really frustrating… really. Please make Matchmaking same tier only!


I know that as it takes too darn long to reach T4 and T5, these guys might find themselves on 3 vs 3 or fighting bots, that’s probably the reason it doesn’t get fixed properly. But why sacrifice the bigger % of players (many of them paying players) to make a few happy?


Please fix matchmaking and get rid of blue balls and this game will be perfect.



It seems to be a bad situation. Small matches are boring. Unfair matches make people want to rage quit.

Honestly, the game wasn’t ready for T5 to come out as the player base isnt here yet.

It seems to be a bad situation. Small matches are boring. Unfair matches make people want to rage quit.

Honestly, the game wasn’t ready for T5 to come out as the player base isnt here yet.

As far as i remember the initial plan for T5 was 1.0.0… i wonder if we’re gonna see dreads before that too. Prematurely indeed.