Matchmaking Feedback

This is not a bug report, but i think that the devs should at least know that matchmaking is not exactly working well. I have already made a bug report for matchmaking so you can read that. 


Another game, it put 4 of us RadiX on a team but i didn’t screeny it. Both of these games the other team got rekt. I won’t complain cuz i’m winning almost every game, but in the hopes that ppl don’t quit the game, i think it should be changed. Thnx. 


3 Aces vs 3 Aces, seems balanced to me

3 Aces vs 3 Aces, seems balanced to me


This is not a bug report, but i think that the devs should at least know that matchmaking is not exactly working well. I have already made a bug report for matchmaking so you can read that. 


Another game, it put 4 of us RadiX on a team but i didn’t screeny it. Both of these games the other team got rekt. I won’t complain cuz i’m winning almost every game, but in the hopes that ppl don’t quit the game, i think it should be changed. Thnx. 

Arctic you’ve brought a squad even after we restricted it!! (thank you for the note)

Arctic you’ve brought a squad even after we restricted it!! (thank you for the note)

He was in no squad, the mm had put them ad randmos together #fck autocorrection

He was in no squad, the mm had put them ad randmos together #fck autocorrection

sarcasm, ever heard of it?

He was in no squad, the mm had put them ad randmos together #fck autocorrection

i understand, it was a joke.

sarcasm, ever heard of it?

sarcasm, ever heard of it?

no, what is it?

no, what is it?

you are welcome

today is the day of DB? xD

today is the day of DB? xD

For me it’s everyday. DBZA quotes never lose effectiveness.

3 Aces vs 3 Aces, seems balanced to me


you are welcome



βέβαιος, φίλε

βέβαιος, φίλε
