Matches ending before time is up or conditions met

Topic title says it all why do missions end in pvp before conditions are met for them to end?

I’ve seen this too and it is really weird. One PvP match I was in (beacon hunt) both teams had about 100-120 points left and we had 3 minutes on the clock. About a minute later it said that we won. XD

I’ve seen this too and it is really weird. One PvP match I was in (beacon hunt) both teams had about 100-120 points left and we had 3 minutes on the clock. About a minute later it said that we won. XD

Each kill decreases 10 points

Each kill decreases 10 points

Only in Domination not in beacon Hunt

Or captain one sometimes that end before time is up unless there is a kill limit?  I was in a battle a bit a go in domination I think we had 80pts left then all of sudden it said we lost few seconds after I looked… No way 8 people died in that short of time at once.