Massive FPS drop for no apparent reason

So I played the game this morning just fine, but last hours I’ve been witnessing a steady performance drop down to 5 FPS in the hangar now, restarting the game doesn’t fix it yet no other game does this, restarting the computer work but for a limited time only


Other people with even better gaming rig seems to also get frequent crashes


Using Windows 8






Quadcore watercooled I5 CPU


No anomaly in either temperature of CPU/GPU or CPU/RAM usage



[DxDiag.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16787)

Attach logs as well, please.


2018.04.28 23.49.06.rar

Turn off DoF see if that does anything. I keep it off because for some reason DoF in this game eats graphics space for breakfast.

DoF isn’t the cause


Also I noted the mouse has no trouble navigating smoothly like there is no issue but for any interaction the game seriously lag behind


Setting the graphics on low has no effect


Restarting the computer doesn’t work anymore the issue is permanent


EDIT : OK apparently Nvida broke the driver with an update, following a fix patch they issued the game runs, for now, like it used to

Follow up update the issue come back every few days, by now im pretty sure its the driver’s fault


Unistalling it does fix it but I doubt its going to remove the issue


Following discusion with Nvidia ended out finding that my PSU is inadapted to gaming despite being of the correct output, tended to underpower my GPU, gonna see if that was realy the case after changing it

Lmao my power supply is just a salvage from another old box. Maybe I’m having problems too and just don’t know it. XD

Hey all so I think I figured out why this drop in frames is dew to star conflict not using the dedicated graphics cards in a laptop. My laptop has a 980m and the game seeps to be using instead my intel integrated graphics resulting in a fps tank.