
Topic above begs the question, is Star Conflict going to receive any kind of trade system?

There is nothing more aggravating than getting an experimental weapon or mod that is not in my play style, and that friends of mine would love to use. Would implementing a friends only trade system(not like adding a stranger to friends is hard) or general market a good idea for this game?

i have seen a couple of threads on this debate, and i agree with you- 
private, direct trade system. 
is there a suggestion box here somewhere? lol 

i have seen a couple of threads on this debate, and i agree with you-

private, direct trade system.

is there a suggestion box here somewhere? lol

The suggestion box leads to a shedder.

No. The suggestion has been refused countless times. The devs don’t want there to be farming bots and alt accounts like in certain other MMO games.

I am also for a a trading system, but I can see how it would be exploited.

As millanbel said above. I’m of the opinion that there’s a lot of limitations you can put on it to prevent such exploitation, but alas.

sorry to reject this again - the Devs declined any trading system

sorry to reject this again - the Devs declined any trading system

They also rejected “open world”.

There already is a slight trading system in open space; you could still use alts as bank accounts to save blueprints; so there is already the theoretical, but very inefficient way of abuse established (I do not know anyone even possibly trying this, but if I can think of it…).

Some form of trading items for fair terms, without breaking the personal eco system, might be even countering abuse better; Why should you not be able to give a blueprint to another player and receive something for it?

Usually trade is a good concept if it leads to diverse playstyles exchanging goods with each other; atm you need to do pve to get pvp items, this makes no sense at all.

Just saying. Think about it. Post it as an addendum.

Trading in some form, even if on the corporation level, could be still a very good idea in the future, if it does not break the current progress-economics, but instead make it complete.

For now however, I think we can fairly say, this has been forwarded several times and it is understandable why it is kept out. For anyone missing trade, I might remind you, it also keeps you and your personal progress safe and fair, in a certain way, since other players cannot exploit you or use social contacts to boost themselves, or abuse the system with backdoor economics, so all your invested money really gets to the company, not some middleman.

Sorry I added this to a thread which obviously is short before closing :slight_smile:

You can only trade if you FIND them and you’re BOTH in open space.

You can only trade if you FIND them and you’re BOTH in open space.

I don’t want to spell it out, how, it’s not theoretical in the means of “maybe possible if i figure out some magic trixx”, but “it’s certainly and clearly possible but I never did it” while at the same time needs a bit of dedication and is certainly traceable, and has questionable results (it’s a worthless exploit, so don’t bother)

Since methodical abuse of market systems always needs some people “farming the stuff” for later sale, the finding part is irrelevant.

I won’t discuss this further here, and safe logout from this discussion.

I don’t want a trading system.  I’d rather know that every pilot has worked for his ship without receiving handouts from veterans with full purple builds who hardly need resources and simply send them off to others.