mark 3 upgrade kits missing

i notes something mark 3 upgrade kits are missing in the game why i mine we got mark 2 and 4 upgrade kits when we do PVE so why are mark 3 missing. i now we got contracts but that take time to gather points.

i notes something mark 3 upgrade kits are missing in the game why i mine we got mark 2 and 4 upgrade kits when we do PVE so why are mark 3 missing. i now we got contracts but that take time to gather points.

We also don’t have mark 3 and mark 5 kits. You do not get kits for these upgrade levels. You need to use loyalty vouchers for mark 3 in general and Monocrystals for mark 5, but let’s not go ahead of ourselves, shall we?

We also don’t have mark 3 and mark 5 kits. You do not get kits for these upgrade levels. You need to use loyalty vouchers for mark 3 in general and Monocrystals for mark 5, but let’s not go ahead of ourselves, shall we?

OK i understand for the mark 5 there are legendary items for that we don t need upgrade kits we got we got blueprints and manufacturer for that but i still think that mark 3 upgrade kits shot be a available in the pve ore in invasion mod to give a player some chance to advance to a next level. same as the mark 2 you pay with credits ore upgrade kits ore mark 4 same pay with Iridium ore upgrade kits

OK i understand for the mark 5 there are legendary items for that we don t need upgrade kits we got we got blueprints and manufacturer for that but i still think that mark 3 upgrade kits shot be a available in the pve ore in invasion mod to give a player some chance to advance to a next level. same as the mark 2 you pay with credits ore upgrade kits ore mark 4 same pay with Iridium ore upgrade kits

To upgrade mark 3 you get loyalty vouchers from pve/pvp/invasion or spend GS for mark 3 upgrade which is costly.

Grind or Pay. simple.

To upgrade mark 3 you get loyalty vouchers from pve/pvp/invasion or spend GS for mark 3 upgrade which is costly.

Grind or Pay. simple.

see there is flaw in basic ideas about this system…

We supposed to have 2 ways to upgrade item to next mark

1>2 credits/kits

2>3 vouchers/GS

3>4 iridium/kits


but devs went for $$ and now it’s

1>2 credits/kits/GS

2>3 vouchers/GS

3>4 iridium/kits/GS

so to make it equal(or something) we should have one moar way to upgrade mk2 to mk3

LOL. you’re so sweet.