
Guys, here’s manual (PDF) - for those who had asked.

Recommended system requirements

• CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2

• System RAM: 1Gb

• Video card: Pixel Shader 3.0 compliant video card with 512 Ram (Nvidia Geforce 260 GT or


• Sound Card: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

• Hard Drive: 1.3 Gb free disk space for the game client

The Start

Log in

When started the game, you will see the Log in menu.

To take part in Beta-testing, you should be logged in and should own special activation

key, you were given to test the game. Please, use this key to activate the product in your

profile and download it.

To log in use your email and the same password you use to enter

Than sign the nondisclosure information agreement page.

Main menu

When working in the main menu, please note that not all items are accessible. That’s not a



Only one battlefield is available for you at first. That’s not a mistake.

In case of bug noticed

Please, contact us through the spesial part of the Star Conflict forum


Your opinion

Tell us what do you think about the game using the special part of the Star Conflict forum


Technical problems (graphical, audial etc)

When notice a bug, please stop the game to describe it – it can happen so that it won’t recur.

  1. Make a screenshot with the help of the PrtScr button

  2. Describe the problem

  3. Enter(name of you system disc):\Users(your user)\Documents\MyGames\StarConflict\

  4. Attach this files to the description of the bug you noticed:

• Appropriate screenshot (the Screenshots folder)

• DeviceCaps.log

• game.log


• user_config.cfg

If crashed

If the game crashed, files we need to fix it will be created automatically.

  1. Describe the problem

  2. Enter(name of you system disc):\Users(your user)\Documents\MyGames\StarConflict\

  3. Attach this files to the description of the bug you noticed:

• Enter the Exceptions folder, than find folder that names after the appropriate time

of crash. Turn it archive it. Attach the archive to your description.

• DeviceCaps.log

• game.log


• user_config.cfg


Menu - Esc

Chat - Enter

Make a screenshot - PrtScr


Move forward - W

Move backward - S

Strafe left/right - A/D

Roll left/right - Q/E

Slide up/down - Space/AltAfterburner - Hold Shift


Primary weapon - Mouse1

Rocket - Mouse2

Switch between weapon modes - F1-F3

Activate combat module - 1-4

Choose rocket type - Z,X,C

Activate special module - F

Lock target - R

Self-destruction - Backspace

View settings

Tactical map - Tab

Free-cam (binded to the spaceship) - Hold Ctrl+Mouse

Look back - B

Cam zoom in/out - Mouse wheel +/-

[StarConflict_manual_en.pdf](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2108)

And to switch between cyrillic and latin for chat?

And to switch between cyrillic and latin for chat?

This should be shift + alt.

Lock Target = Wheel Click too

Since many people do not read the manual:

If you want to log into game you need to use your yuplay email and password.

If you cant type an @ into the log in window than cope your email from a textfield with ctr+c and paste it with ctrl+v into the log in window.

i wonder… how the lock on system using T button works? it doesnt seems random targetting…

Are they any options to restock rockets in battle

Are they any options to restock rockets in battle

I don’t think so

Are they any options to restock rockets in battle

Nope. That would make you almost unkillable monster (if enough money) ))

Upgrade of manual!

[StarConflict_manual_en.pdf](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2494)

Press ctrl and everything is easy…

Am i right, that there’s only 1 nation released? Or i got a bug, which doesn’t allow me to choose federation or jericho?

Am i right, that there’s only 1 nation released? Or i got a bug, which doesn’t allow me to choose federation or jericho?

At the moment there is only 1 faction aviable.

At the moment there is only 1 faction aviable.

i was like whaaat … i cant chose a faction since i wanted to go Jericho and then hovered over Empire and saw i can chose that

cant wait for Jericho thou :smiley:

cant wait for Jericho thou :smiley:

come to the federation alliance, my friend u,u lets fight against the empire

is there a team chat that u can switch 2 in game lie /t or somthing like that

for the first time ever i can run a game without any problems :smiley: Nvidia Geforce 260 GT or

better lucky for me i have a GT320 :smiley: man i need a new PC

is there a team chat that u can switch 2 in game lie /t or somthing like that

Teams will be added later.

But now please try to only ask Manual relating questions in this post.

I will create another thread where you can ask questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Xbox Pad Support works on first try pretty wel. Any chance I can invert the up/down thingy?

I am used to dive wenn i push up on the Xbox Pad. :slight_smile:

The view settings → Free-cam (binded to the spaceship) - Hold Ctrl+Mouse

The Free-cam is really wonky… if you want to stabilize your ship all you have to do is double tap Ctrl. (It’s a lock / unlock free-wheel mode)