make safe logout from openspace more of a savepoint

if you do a safelogout from openspace you can’t play other game modes unless you return to a station when you login again.

Make safelogout more or less a savepoint from openspace so you can still play other game modes (except with the ship that is in open space)

the next time you click on launch to openspace you return to the saved location.

This way you can take a big ship to deepspace (wich takes a long travel time and keep it there).


Unfortunately savepoints in open space can’t be possible due to server limitations. That’s why we try to do OS missions not so far away from the stations.

1 hour ago, CinnamonFake said:

Unfortunately savepoints in open space can’t be possible due to server limitations. That’s why we try to do OS missions not so far away from the stations.

“Save points” could simply mean a text file with the player’s loot and sector data. It doesn’t have to suspend them permanently. This way, their place in OS is saved and they can still go about whatever they want.

5 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

“Save points” could simply mean a text file with the player’s loot and sector data. It doesn’t have to suspend them permanently. This way, their place in OS is saved and they can still go about whatever they want.

local save means cheat.

I think he refer to the server-side located created file.

4 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

local save means cheat.

*does control+f to see if I said “local” at any point*

uhh. What?

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

“Save points” could simply mean a text file with the player’s loot and sector data.


18 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

*does control+f to see if I said “local” at any point*

uhh. What?

And that comes from a guy that repeatedly offers his help to developers in coding and 3d modeling.

2 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

I think he refer to the server-side located created file.

server sided don’t need a text file for this. 

Servers are not to be taken likely, even a bit is valuable cargo ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

What I mean is to avoid server overloading, instead of keeping each suspended player in the actual server, they could just have their cargo and position saved in a simple txt file to be read on the server. This way, OP gets his suggestion, and the devs don’t have to worry about server strain.

Yea, i just might txt me some xenos ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Just now, ORCA1911 said:

Yea, i just might txt me some xenos ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

You cannot alter a text file that isn’t on your computer.

Are all of you really that blind? The text file would be on the SERVERS not on the players’ computers.

-Saves server processing power.

-Saves time.

-Saves space.

-Prevents cheating.

I’m just joking relax hahaha

17 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

You cannot alter a text file that isn’t on your computer.

Are all of you really that blind? The text file would be on the SERVERS not on the players’ computers.

-Saves server processing power.

-Saves time.

-Saves space.

-Prevents cheating.

And then, there’s something called “Database”. 


But that’s not the point. 

They said that the server can’t do it, and you’re suggesting that you should do it server sided. 

Which is just ignoring what Cin said. 

I understand the usefulness of this suggestion and, it does, is appealing to me. But on the other end, it removed alot of the risk/reward. And what Flake said is true, i’ve been told the same about other suggestions. iirc they can’t have too many players and bots at the same time on the same sector. That saved data= to a player i guess.

Also, missions are just a few jumps aways. And travel time is part of any open space game. And 90% of them have a much much much slower pace.

On 13/01/2017 at 4:16 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

You cannot alter a text file that isn’t on your computer.

Are all of you really that blind? The text file would be on the SERVERS not on the players’ computers.

-Saves server processing power.

-Saves time.

-Saves space.

-Prevents cheating.

Flake said it cannot be done. But following you point of view. What would have happened if, the guy is in shard 2 of the Russian server and in Iridium Strand. When he want to “log back” in his OS ship, but the shard on which he was is now full. Or if you’re spot get “reserved”/saved for you. That mean someone who does not play, lock a spot for someone else that could come there and actually play. If a growing playerbase, then later it would bring locked shard because of those afk saves? I’m asking. that is all. If it’s too technical to bother explain, i’ll understand.


>>But on the other end, it removed alot of the risk/reward. … iirc they can’t have too many players and bots at the same time on the same sector. <<

Remove risk? I hate it, to fly 5mins+(with 700m/s!) to some sectors to farm there and then need to go back/self destroy to play in another mode. Where is the ‘risk removed’ by such a logout? That you can be destroyed the way back? The anti-aggro rescue(another player attacking - which a shame is totally removed by BS station protection in whole OS)/npcs? Sorry, it could take time to safe logout and if you had this time, you have no risk at all having at that time.

>>Also, missions are just a few jumps aways. And travel time is part of any open space game. And 90% of them have a much much much slower pace.<<

First, not all missions are just a few jumps away. Second, such safe logouts are more in the sense of farming in a distant sector for a bit of time(half an hour up to several).

>>What would have happened if, the guy is in shard 2 of the Russian server and in Iridium Strand. When he want to “log back” in his OS ship, but the shard on which he was is now full.<<

Yeah because this would happen so often. Either the ship remain unavailable or he would be transfered to another shard(and according to the logdata of the sectors, they are generated on distinct servers, not shards).

>>Or if you’re spot get “reserved”/saved for you. That mean someone who does not play, lock a spot for someone else that could come there and actually play.<<

How can a place be ‘locked’ by somebody? You can have multiple instances of ‘player’ on the same spot, that’s not a problem. The only problem would be if players simultaneous would login having their ships on the same spot, and then they would just have to wait that the other guy move away with his ship. Just a loading into OS - ‘issue’, nothing more and not a problem itself.

The only real problem would be changes in ship/layout/map etc. ‘corrupting’ data in the player’s database. Else no problem.